esanchezros / quickfixj-spring-boot-starter

Spring Boot Starter for QuickFIX/J
Apache License 2.0
125 stars 57 forks source link
financial fixprotocol java quickfixj spring spring-boot spring-boot-actuator spring-boot-starter

image:["CircleCI", link=""] image:["codecov",link=""] image:["Maven Central",link=""] image:["Apache 2",link=""] image:["QuickFIX/J 2.3.1", link=""] image:["Codacy code quality", link=""] image:["OpenSSF Scorecard", link=""]

= Spring Boot Starter for QuickFIX/J (Spring Boot 2 and Spring Boot 3)

This project is a[Spring Boot Starter] for[QuickFIX/J messaging engine for the FIX protocol]. It simplifies the configuration required to create and start an[Initiator] or[Acceptor], and handles the lifecycle of the[Connector].

== Compatibility with version 3.2 onwards

If you use Spring Boot 3.2 or greater you will need to use version 2.17.0 or greater of the Spring Boot Starter for QuickFIX/J as it fixes an issue with[Parameter Name Discovery]

== Getting started

To use the QuickFIX/J Server or QuickFIX/J Client you need to add the QuickFIX/J Spring Boot Starter dependency in your project.


io.allune quickfixj-spring-boot-starter 2.18.0

QuickFIX/J Runtime

The QuickFIX/J Spring Boot Starter no longer includes quickfixj-messages-all dependency and now includes the standard published FIX specification versions from FIX 4.0 to FIX Latest built by the QuickFIX/J project as optional dependency. They are not specified as runtime dependencies any longer, which makes it easier to customise QuickFIX/J deployments.

If you do not need to customise a FIX integration then you can use the org.quickfixj artefacts built by the QuickFIX/J project. Include them as dependencies of your application.

For more information about customising the QuickFIX/J Runtime refer to

For example, import the quickfixj-spring-boot-dependencies pom in your dependencyManagement section:


io.allune quickfixj-spring-boot-dependencies 2.18.0 pom import

and add the specific version(s) of the FIX messages you need in your project dependencies:


org.quickfixj quickfixj-messages-fix44 org.quickfixj quickfixj-messages-fix50

== QuickFIX/J Spring Boot Starter - Server (Acceptor)

There are two options to configure a QuickFIX/J Server.

=== EnableQuickFixJServer annotation Adding the @EnableQuickFixJServer annotation in your project will configure an Acceptor with all the default QuickFix/J components:

All these QuickFix/J components can be configured via properties or by overriding the beans. If you choose to provide your own implementation for any of these components, you need to specify spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding=true. This annotation will be deprecated in future releases.

For example:


@EnableQuickFixJServer @SpringBootApplication public class AppServer {

public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

public Application serverApplication() {
    return new ServerApplicationAdapter(); // Provide your own implementation here

public Acceptor severAcceptor(
        Application serverApplication,
        MessageStoreFactory serverMessageStoreFactory,
        SessionSettings serverSessionSettings,
        LogFactory serverLogFactory,
        MessageFactory serverMessageFactory
) throws ConfigError {
    return new ThreadedSocketAcceptor(serverApplication, serverMessageStoreFactory, serverSessionSettings,
            serverLogFactory, serverMessageFactory);

public LogFactory serverLogFactory(SessionSettings serverSessionSettings) {
    return new FileLogFactory(serverSessionSettings);


=== Enabling QuickFix/J Server through a property

Enabling the autoconfiguration of QuickFix/J Server can be done through a property. It autoconfigures an Acceptor with all the same default QuickFix/J components as @EnableQuickFixJServer.

[cols="3*", options="header"] |=== |property |example |description

|quickfixj.server.enabled |true |Enables QuickFix/J Server autoconfiguration. |===

=== Configuring the QuickFix/J Server

Additionally, you need to follow the[configuration guide] to configure the FIX sessions. The configuration is resolved using the following approach:

=== QuickFIX/J Server properties

[cols="3*", options="header"] |=== |Property |Example |Description

|quickfixj.server.config |classpath:quickfixj-server.cfg |Location of the QuickFix/J configuration file.

|quickfixj.server.configString |[default] \r\n... (see below for an example) |The content of the QuickFIX/J configuration file. This property takes precedence over quickfixj.server.config.

| |true |Whether to autostart the connection manager at start up (default: true).

|quickfixj.server.force-disconnect |false |Whether logged on sessions should be disconnected forcibly when the connector is stopped (default: false).

|quickfixj.server.phase |0 |Phase in which this connection manager should be started and stopped (default: Integer.MAX_VALUE).

|quickfixj.server.jmx-enabled |true |Whether to register the jmx mbeans for the acceptor (default: false).

|quickfixj.server.message-store-factory |memory |Type of MessageStoreFactory to create. Supported values: cachedfile, file, jdbc, memory, noop, sleepycat (default: memory).

|quickfixj.server.log-factory |screen |Type of LogFactory to create. Supported values: compositelog, file, jdbc, slf4j, screen (default: screen).

|quickfixj.server.concurrent.enabled |true |Whether to use a simple SocketAcceptor or a ThreadedSocketAcceptor (default: false - uses SocketAcceptor).

|quickfixj.server.concurrent.useDefaultExecutorFactory |true |Whether to use a default ExecutorFactory to create the Acceptor (default: false).

|quickfixj.server.concurrent.queueCapacity |Integer.MAX_VALUE |When using the default ExecutorFactory, the Executor's queue capacity (default: Integer.MAX_VALUE).

|quickfixj.server.concurrent.corePoolSize |8 |When using the default ExecutorFactory, the Executor's core pool size (default: 8).

|quickfixj.server.concurrent.maxPoolSize |Integer.MAX_VALUE |When using the default ExecutorFactory, the Executor's max pool size (default: Integer.MAX_VALUE).

|quickfixj.server.concurrent.allowCoreThreadTimeOut |true |When using the default ExecutorFactory, whether to allow core thread timeout on the Executor (default: true).

|quickfixj.server.concurrent.keepAliveSeconds |60 |When using the default ExecutorFactory, the Executor's keep alive in seconds (default: 60).

|quickfixj.server.concurrent.waitForTasksToCompleteOnShutdown |false |When using the default ExecutorFactory, whether to wait for tasks to complete on shutdown on the Executor (default: false).

|quickfixj.server.concurrent.awaitTerminationSeconds |0 |When using the default ExecutorFactory, the Executor's await termination in seconds (default: 0).

|quickfixj.server.concurrent.threadNamePrefix |QuickFixJ Spring Boot Starter thread- |When using the default ExecutorFactory, the Executor's thread name prefix (default: QuickFixJ Spring Boot Starter thread-). |===

For example:


quickfixj.server.config=classpath:quickfixj-server.cfg quickfixj.server.configString=[default] \r\n... (see below for an example) quickfixj.server.force-disconnect=false quickfixj.server.phase=0 quickfixj.server.jmx-enabled=true quickfixj.server.message-store-factory=memory quickfixj.server.log-factory=screen

quickfixj.server.concurrent.enabled=true quickfixj.server.concurrent.useDefaultExecutorFactory=true quickfixj.server.concurrent.queueCapacity=Integer.MAX_VALUE quickfixj.server.concurrent.corePoolSize=8 quickfixj.server.concurrent.maxPoolSize=Integer.MAX_VALUE quickfixj.server.concurrent.allowCoreThreadTimeOut=true quickfixj.server.concurrent.keepAliveSeconds=60 quickfixj.server.concurrent.waitForTasksToCompleteOnShutdown=false quickfixj.server.concurrent.awaitTerminationSeconds=0 quickfixj.server.concurrent.threadNamePrefix="QuickFixJ Spring Boot Starter thread-"


quickfixj: server: config: classpath:quickfixj-server.cfg auto-startup: true force-disconnect: false phase: 0 jmx-enabled: true concurrent: enabled: true useDefaultExecutorFactory: true queueCapacity: Integer.MAX_VALUE corePoolSize: 8 maxPoolSize: Integer.MAX_VALUE allowCoreThreadTimeOut: true keepAliveSeconds: 60 waitForTasksToCompleteOnShutdown: false awaitTerminationMillis: 0 threadNamePrefix: "QuickFixJ Spring Boot Starter thread-" message-store-factory: memory log-factory: screen

=== QuickFIX/J configuration file in properties and yaml files

Using the quickfixj.server.configString property:


quickfixj.server.configString=[default] \r\n\ FileStorePath=target/data/executor \r\n\ ConnectionType=acceptor \r\n\ StartTime=00:00:00 \r\n\ EndTime=00:00:00 \r\n\ HeartBtInt=30 \r\n\ ValidOrderTypes=1,2,F \r\n\ SenderCompID=EXEC \r\n\ TargetCompID=BANZAI \r\n\ UseDataDictionary=Y \r\n\ DefaultMarketPrice=12.30 \r\n\ FileLogPath=logs-server \r\n\ \r\n\ [session] \r\n\ BeginString=FIX.4.0 \r\n\ SocketAcceptPort=9876 \r\n\ \r\n\ [session] \r\n\ BeginString=FIX.4.1 \r\n\ SocketAcceptPort=9877 \r\n\ \r\n\ [session] \r\n\ BeginString=FIX.4.2 \r\n\ SocketAcceptPort=9878 \r\n\ \r\n\ [session] \r\n\ BeginString=FIX.4.3 \r\n\ SocketAcceptPort=9879 \r\n\ \r\n\ [session] \r\n\ BeginString=FIX.4.4 \r\n\ SocketAcceptPort=9880 \r\n\ \r\n\ [session] \r\n\ BeginString=FIXT.1.1 \r\n\ DefaultApplVerID=FIX.5.0SP2 \r\n\ SocketAcceptPort=9881


quickfixj: server: configString: | [default] FileStorePath=target/data/executor ConnectionType=acceptor StartTime=00:00:00 EndTime=00:00:00 HeartBtInt=30 ValidOrderTypes=1,2,F SenderCompID=EXEC TargetCompID=BANZAI UseDataDictionary=Y DefaultMarketPrice=12.30 FileLogPath=logs-server







=== QuickFIX/J Server Actuator

To enable the actuator endpoints you will also have to add the QuickFIX/J Spring Boot Actuator dependency.


io.allune quickfixj-spring-boot-actuator 2.18.0

Enabling the autoconfiguration of QuickFix/J Server Actuator can be done through a property.

[cols="3*", options="header"] |=== |property |example |description

|quickfixj.server.actuator.enabled |true |Enables QuickFix/J Server Actuator autoconfiguration. |===

Please note that the quickfixj-spring-boot-actuator dependency will be added automatically by quickfixj-spring-boot-starter

And enable the QuickFix/J Server endpoint in Spring:


management.endpoint.quickfixjserver.enabled=true # whether the endpoint is enabled or not management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=quickfixjserver # whether the endpoint will be exposed


management: endpoint: health: show-details: always quickfixjserver: enabled: true endpoints: web: exposure: include: quickfixjserver

Example usage:



{ "FIX.4.2:EXEC->BANZAI": { "SenderCompID": "EXEC", "StartTime": "00:00:00", "DefaultMarketPrice": "12.30", "ValidOrderTypes": "1,2,F", "ConnectionType": "acceptor", "EndTime": "00:00:00", "BeginString": "FIX.4.2", "SocketAcceptPort": "9878", "TargetCompID": "BANZAI", "SenderCompID": "EXEC", "HeartBtInt": "30", "BeginString": "FIX.4.2", "TargetCompID": "BANZAI", "FileStorePath": "target/data/executor", "UseDataDictionary": "Y", "ProxyPassword": "**" }, "FIX.4.1:EXEC->BANZAI": { "SenderCompID": "EXEC", "StartTime": "00:00:00", "DefaultMarketPrice": "12.30", "ValidOrderTypes": "1,2,F", "ConnectionType": "acceptor", "EndTime": "00:00:00", "BeginString": "FIX.4.1", "SocketAcceptPort": "9877", "TargetCompID": "BANZAI", "SenderCompID": "EXEC", "HeartBtInt": "30", "BeginString": "FIX.4.1", "TargetCompID": "BANZAI", "FileStorePath": "target/data/executor", "UseDataDictionary": "Y", "JdbcPassword": "**" } }

=== QuickFIX/J Server Health Endpoint

The QuickFIX/J Spring Boot Starter provides with a HealthIndicator that checks if the sessions are logged on when they should be (i.e. within market hours) and shows the expected schedule for each session. For example:


"quickfixjServerSession": { "status": "DOWN", "details": { "FIXT.1.1:BANZAI->EXEC1": "LoggedOn", "sessionSchedule": "monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, 04:00:00-UTC - 03:59:59-UTC (monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, 00:00:00-EDT - 23:59:59-EDT)", "FIXT.1.1:BANZAI->EXEC2": "LoggedOff", } }

The HealthIndicator can be enabled in Spring as follows:



management: health: quickfixjserver: enabled: true

== QuickFIX/J Spring Boot Starter - Client (Initiator)

There are two options to configure a QuickFIX/J Client.

=== EnableQuickFixJClient annotation Adding the @EnableQuickFixJClient annotation in your project will configure an Initiator with all the default QuickFix/J components:

All these QuickFix/J components can be configured via properties or by overriding the beans. If you choose to provide your own implementation for any of these components, you need to specify spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding=true. This annotation will be deprecated in future releases.

For example:


@EnableQuickFixJClient @SpringBootApplication public class AppClient {

public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

public Application clientApplication() {
    return new ClientApplicationAdapter(); // Provide your own implementation here

public Initiator clientInitiator(
        Application clientApplication,
        MessageStoreFactory clientMessageStoreFactory,
        SessionSettings clientSessionSettings,
        LogFactory clientLogFactory,
        MessageFactory clientMessageFactory
) throws ConfigError {
    return new ThreadedSocketInitiator(clientApplication, clientMessageStoreFactory, clientSessionSettings,
            clientLogFactory, clientMessageFactory);

public LogFactory clientLogFactory(SessionSettings clientSessionSettings) {
    return new FileLogFactory(clientSessionSettings);


=== Enabling QuickFix/J Client through a property

Enabling the autoconfiguration of QuickFix/J Client can be done through a property. It autoconfigures an Initiator with all the same default QuickFix/J components as @EnableQuickFixJClient.

[cols="3*", options="header"] |=== |property |example |description

|quickfixj.client.enabled |true |Enables QuickFix/J Client autoconfiguration. |===

=== Configuring the QuickFix/J Client

Additionally you need to follow the[configuration guide] to configure the FIX sessions. The configuration is resolved using the following approach:

=== QuickFIX/J Client properties

[cols="3*", options="header"] |=== |Property |Example |Description

|quickfixj.client.config |classpath:quickfixj-client.cfg |Location of the QuickFix/J configuration file.

|quickfixj.client.configString |[default] \r\n... (see below for an example) |The content of the QuickFIX/J configuration file. This property takes precedence over quickfixj.client.config.

| |true |Whether to autostart the connection manager at start up (default: true).

|quickfixj.client.phase |0 |Phase in which this connection manager should be started and stopped (default: Integer.MAX_VALUE).

|quickfixj.client.jmx-enabled |true |Whether to register the jmx mbeans for the initiator (default: false).

|quickfixj.client.message-store-factory |memory |Type of MessageStoreFactory to create. Supported values: cachedfile, file, jdbc, memory, noop, sleepycat (default: memory).

|quickfixj.client.log-factory |screen |Type of LogFactory to create. Supported values: compositelog, file, jdbc, slf4j, screen (default: screen).

|quickfixj.client.concurrent.enabled |true |Whether to use a simple SocketInitiator or a ThreadedSocketInitiator (default: false - uses SocketInitiator).

|quickfixj.client.concurrent.useDefaultExecutorFactory |true |Whether to use a default ExecutorFactory to create the Initiator (default: false).

|quickfixj.client.concurrent.queueCapacity |Integer.MAX_VALUE |When using the default ExecutorFactory, the Executor's queue capacity (default: Integer.MAX_VALUE).

|quickfixj.client.concurrent.corePoolSize |8 |When using the default ExecutorFactory, the Executor's core pool size (default: 8).

|quickfixj.client.concurrent.maxPoolSize |Integer.MAX_VALUE |When using the default ExecutorFactory, the Executor's max pool size (default: Integer.MAX_VALUE).

|quickfixj.client.concurrent.allowCoreThreadTimeOut |true |When using the default ExecutorFactory, whether to allow core thread timeout on the Executor (default: true).

|quickfixj.client.concurrent.keepAliveSeconds |60 |When using the default ExecutorFactory, the Executor's keep alive in seconds (default: 60).

|quickfixj.client.concurrent.waitForTasksToCompleteOnShutdown |false |When using the default ExecutorFactory, whether to wait for tasks to complete on shutdown on the Executor (default: false).

|quickfixj.client.concurrent.awaitTerminationSeconds |0 |When using the default ExecutorFactory, the Executor's await termination in seconds (default: 0).

|quickfixj.client.concurrent.threadNamePrefix |QuickFixJ Spring Boot Starter thread- |When using the default ExecutorFactory, the Executor's thread name prefix (default: QuickFixJ Spring Boot Starter thread-). |===

For example:


quickfixj.client.config=classpath:quickfixj-client.cfg quickfixj.client.configString=[default] \r\n... (see below for an example) quickfixj.client.phase=0 quickfixj.client.jmx-enabled=true quickfixj.client.message-store-factory=memory quickfixj.client.log-factory=screen

quickfixj.client.concurrent.enabled=true quickfixj.client.concurrent.useDefaultExecutorFactory=true quickfixj.client.concurrent.queueCapacity=Integer.MAX_VALUE quickfixj.client.concurrent.corePoolSize=8 quickfixj.client.concurrent.maxPoolSize=Integer.MAX_VALUE quickfixj.client.concurrent.allowCoreThreadTimeOut=true quickfixj.client.concurrent.keepAliveSeconds=60 quickfixj.client.concurrent.waitForTasksToCompleteOnShutdown=false quickfixj.client.concurrent.awaitTerminationSeconds=0 quickfixj.client.concurrent.threadNamePrefix="QuickFixJ Spring Boot Starter thread-"


quickfixj: client: config: classpath:quickfixj-client.cfg auto-startup: true force-disconnect: false phase: 0 jmx-enabled: true concurrent: enabled: true useDefaultExecutorFactory: true queueCapacity: Integer.MAX_VALUE corePoolSize: 8 maxPoolSize: Integer.MAX_VALUE allowCoreThreadTimeOut: true keepAliveSeconds: 60 waitForTasksToCompleteOnShutdown: false awaitTerminationMillis: 0 threadNamePrefix: "QuickFixJ Spring Boot Starter thread-" message-store-factory: memory log-factory: screen

=== QuickFIX/J configuration file in properties and yaml files

Using the quickfixj.client.configString property:


quickfixj.client.configString=[default] \r\n\ FileStorePath=target/data/banzai \r\n\ ConnectionType=initiator \r\n\ SenderCompID=BANZAI \r\n\ TargetCompID=EXEC \r\n\ SocketConnectHost=localhost \r\n\ StartTime=00:00:00 \r\n\ EndTime=00:00:00 \r\n\ HeartBtInt=30 \r\n\ ReconnectInterval=5 \r\n\ FileLogPath=logs-client \r\n\ \r\n\ [session] \r\n\ BeginString=FIX.4.0 \r\n\ SocketConnectPort=9876 \r\n\ \r\n\ [session] \r\n\ BeginString=FIX.4.1 \r\n\ SocketConnectPort=9877 \r\n\ \r\n\ [session] \r\n\ BeginString=FIX.4.2 \r\n\ SocketConnectPort=9878 \r\n\ \r\n\ [session] \r\n\ BeginString=FIX.4.3 \r\n\ SocketConnectPort=9879 \r\n\ \r\n\ [session] \r\n\ BeginString=FIX.4.4 \r\n\ SocketConnectPort=9880 \r\n\ \r\n\ [session] \r\n\ BeginString=FIXT.1.1 \r\n\ DefaultApplVerID=FIX.5.0SP2 \r\n\ SocketConnectPort=9881


quickfixj: client: configString: | [default] FileStorePath=target/data/banzai ConnectionType=initiator SenderCompID=BANZAI TargetCompID=EXEC SocketConnectHost=localhost StartTime=00:00:00 EndTime=00:00:00 HeartBtInt=30 ReconnectInterval=5 FileLogPath=logs-client







=== QuickFIX/J Client Actuator

To enable the actuator endpoints you will also have to add the QuickFIX/J Spring Boot Actuator dependency.


io.allune quickfixj-spring-boot-actuator 2.18.0

Enabling the autoconfiguration of QuickFix/J Client Actuator can be done through a property.

[cols="3*", options="header"] |=== |property |example |description

|quickfixj.client.actuator.enabled |true |Enables QuickFix/J Client Actuator autoconfiguration. |===

Please note that the quickfixj-spring-boot-actuator dependency will be added automatically by quickfixj-spring-boot-starter

And enable the QuickFix/J Client endpoint in Spring:


management.endpoint.quickfixjclient.enabled=true # whether the endpoint is enabled or not management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=quickfixjclient # whether the endpoint will be exposed


management: endpoint: health: show-details: always quickfixjclient: enabled: true endpoints: web: exposure: include: quickfixjclient

Example usage:



{ "FIXT.1.1:BANZAI->EXEC": { "SenderCompID": "BANZAI", "StartTime": "00:00:00", "ConnectionType": "initiator", "EndTime": "00:00:00", "BeginString": "FIXT.1.1", "ReconnectInterval": "5", "TargetCompID": "EXEC", "DefaultApplVerID": "FIX.5.0", "SocketConnectHost": "localhost", "SenderCompID": "BANZAI", "HeartBtInt": "30", "BeginString": "FIXT.1.1", "TargetCompID": "EXEC", "FileStorePath": "target/data/banzai", "SocketConnectPort": "9881", "ProxyPassword": "**" }, "FIX.4.2:BANZAI->EXEC": { "SenderCompID": "BANZAI", "StartTime": "00:00:00", "ConnectionType": "initiator", "EndTime": "00:00:00", "BeginString": "FIX.4.2", "ReconnectInterval": "5", "TargetCompID": "EXEC", "SocketConnectHost": "localhost", "SenderCompID": "BANZAI", "HeartBtInt": "30", "BeginString": "FIX.4.2", "TargetCompID": "EXEC", "FileStorePath": "target/data/banzai", "SocketConnectPort": "9878", "JdbcPassword": "**" } }

=== QuickFIX/J Client Health Endpoint

The QuickFIX/J Spring Boot Starter provides with a HealthIndicator that checks if the sessions are logged on when they should be (i.e. within market hours) and shows the expected schedule for each session. For example:


"quickfixjClientSession": { "status": "DOWN", "details": { "FIXT.1.1:BANZAI->EXEC1": "LoggedOn", "sessionSchedule": "monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, 04:00:00-UTC - 03:59:59-UTC (monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, 00:00:00-EDT - 23:59:59-EDT)", "FIXT.1.1:BANZAI->EXEC2": "LoggedOff", } }

The HealthIndicator can be enabled in Spring as follows:



management: health: quickfixjclient: enabled: true

== Listening on quickfixj.Application messages

The QuickFIX/J Spring Boot Starter provides a default implementation for the quickfixj.Application interface, the EventPublisherApplicationAdapter, which publishes the messages received by the Server (Acceptor) and the Client (Initiator) as ApplicationEvents. The EventPublisherApplicationAdapter is provided by default, it's not meant to be used on high throughput environments.

If your application is only processing a subset of message types (i.e. toAdmin, toApp, onCreate, etc.) you will need to register an EventListener for these, with the appropriate message type as the only parameter for the listener method:


@EventListener public void listenFromAdmin(FromAdmin fromAdmin) { ... }

@EventListener public void listenFromApp(FromApp fromApp) { ... }

@EventListener public void listenOnCreate(Create create) { ... }

@EventListener public void listenOnLogon(Logon logon) { ... }

@EventListener public void listenOnLogout(Logout logout) { ... }

@EventListener public void listenToAdmin(ToAdmin toAdmin) { ... }

@EventListener public void listenToApp(ToApp toApp) { ... }

In case the EventListener method throws an exception, this exception will be propagated up the quickfix.Session#next() method. Depending on the value of RejectMessageOnUnhandledException in the quickfixj configuration file, the message will be redelivered or dismissed.

== QuickFixJTemplate

The QuickFixJTemplate provides a synchronous client to perform requests, exposing a simple, template method API over the QuickFIX/J client.

The QuickFIX/J Spring Boot Starter provides a quickFixJTemplate bean than can be Autowired in the application.


@Autowire private QuickFixJTemplate quickFixJTemplate;


SessionID sessionID = serverAcceptor.getSessions().stream() .filter(sessId -> sessId.getBeginString().equals(fixVersion) && sessId.getTargetCompID().equals(targetId)) .findFirst() .orElseThrow(RuntimeException::new);

OrderCancelRequest message = new OrderCancelRequest( new OrigClOrdID("123"), new ClOrdID("321"), new Symbol("LNUX"), new Side(Side.BUY));

quickFixJTemplate.send(message, sessionID);

== Examples Projects[quickfixj-spring-boot-starter-examples]

== License and Acknowledgement

The QuickFIX/J Spring Boot Starter is released under version 2.0 of the[Apache License].

This code includes software developed by[].