esar / hdmilight-v3

HDMI Light v3 - FPGA based Ambilight clone with direct HDMI input
GNU General Public License v2.0
7 stars 4 forks source link

This is a still-in-progress update to my hdmilight-v2 project.

Differences in this version:

Build instructions:

1) Manufacture the HDMI receiver board that can be found in the 'board' directory (KiCad format). 2) Open the 'fpga/hdmilight.xise' project in Xilinx ISE and generate a bit file. 3) Edit the files under the config directory to configure the LEDs. 5) Run 'make' in the top level directory, which will do the following:

This version should now have feature parity with version 2, however it has not been tested very well yet.

Useful build targets:

Debugging the firmware: 1) start openocd: openocd -f hdmilight-v3-openocd.cfg 2) start gdb: arm-none-eabi-gdb 3) in gdb, load firmware: file firmware/main.elf 4) in gdb, connect to board: target remote :3333