eschnett / Persist.jl

Persistent jobs
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Persistent jobs for Julia.

What does it do?

The package Persist allows running jobs independent of the Julia shell. The jobs are run in the background, either on the local machine or via Slurm, and are not interrupted when the Julia shell exits. This is a convenient and safe way to start long-running calculations, without having to write a Julia script.

Why is this a good idea?

Programming in Julia typically proceeds in two stages: First one writes some exploratory code in the shell (or via Jupyter). Later, when the code becomes more sophisticated, one converts part of the code to a Julia package that is developed in an editor outside the Julia shell. One still uses the Julia shell to test the package.

As code complexity increases, so do the run times. What takes a few seconds initially turns into minutes and then hours of run time. This then makes things inconvenient:

This package Persist circumvents these problems: It allows wrapping a Julia command in a shell script that is run in the background, independent of the Julia shell.

How do I use it?

Here is an example:

using Persist

# Start a calculation in the background
job = persist("hello", ProcessManager) do
    sleep(10)   # Simulate a long-running task
    println("Hello, World!")   # Produce some output
    return [42]   # Return a value

# Do something else

# Check on the background job

# Get the job's result

You can also use Slurm to submit a job:

using Persist

persist("calcpi", SlurmManager) do

# Jobs are written to file, and can be read back in
job = readmgr("calcpi")
println("pi = $(fetch(job))")

How does it work?

Simple, really.

The Julia expression is serialized and written to a file. A shell script is generated that is executed in the background (or via Slurm). This script reads the expression, executes it, and serializes the result to another file. Various commands examine the status of the job. fetch deserializes the result once the job has finished.

This is very similar to the way in which @spawn or @everywhere works, except that the expression is evaluated independently of the Julia shell. The same caveats regarding defining functions and using modules apply.


Create a new job

mgr = @persist name manager expression
mgr = persist(function, name, manager)

Read a job descriptor from file

mgr = readmgr(name)

Determine job status

st = status(mgr)

Describe job status

st = jobinfo(mgr)

Cancel (abort) job


Determine whether job is done

st = isready(mgr)

Wait for a job to complete


Obtain job result

result = fetch(mgr)

Obtain job output

out = getstdout(mgr)
err = getstderr(mgr)

Clean up after a job
