export Org-mode files as editable web pages
DESCRIPTION Org-ehtml allows for interactively viewing and editing Org-mode files through a web browser. The Emacs web server [1] serves Org-mode files as editable HTML exported with a special ox-ehtml backend which extends the standard Org-mode HTML export.
REQUIREMENTS Emacs 24.3 or later and the Emacs web server [1].
Install from melpa [2] or source.
Optionally run the tests suite.
(require 'test-org-ehtml) (ert "org-ehtml")
Configure Org-ehtml to serve a directory of Org-mode files on your machine (e.g., "~/public_org"), and set all fields to be editable.
;; NOTE: the org-ehtml-docroot value should be fully expanded (setq org-ehtml-docroot (expand-file-name "~/public_org")) (setq org-ehtml-everything-editable t)
Start up the web server.
(require 'org-ehtml) (ws-start org-ehtml-handler 8888)
Point your browser to [3] select a page, and move your mouse over the page. Editable portions of the page will be highlighted, click on these to edit.
Integration with Version Control
(require 'vc)
(lambda (request)
(let ((file (buffer-file-name (current-buffer))))
(vc-checkin (list file)
(vc-backend file) "edit through org-ehtml"))))
NOTE: This uses HTTP BASIC authentication which is only secure
when used over a secure (HTTPS) connection.
Use the `ws-with-authentication' function to protect org-ehtml
functionality with credentials. For example, the following
requires all edits require a user supplies the username "admin"
and the password "password".
(setf (cdr (assoc '(:POST . ".*") org-ehtml-handler))
(ws-with-authentication 'org-ehtml-edit-handler
'(("admin" . "password"))))
Agenda View
Org-ehtml supports viewing the Agenda buffer. It can be enabled
by setting org-ehtml-allow-agenda to a non-nil value. The
agenda can be viewed by adding /agenda/CMD to the url with CMD
being one of the following.
day, week, fortnight, month, year:
Show org-agenda-list in that range. For example [4] will show
the agenda for the specified day. An additional argument can
be provided to set the start date.
[4] http://localhost:8888/agenda/day/2013-11-11
any natural number:
Show org-agenda-list for that many days. Similar to using
day, week, etc.
Show org-todo-list.
Show org-tags-view. It requires an additional argument
(separated by a /) specifying the tag. Using todo as first
argument will limit the search to TODO entries. For example
[5] will show all headlines tagged :work: and [6] will only
show headlines tagged :work: and marked TODO.
[5] http://localhost:8888/agenda/tags/work
[6] http://localhost:8888/agenda/tags/todo/work
Override CSS by making a file in your home directory called
~/.ox-ehtml-override.css and enter in your CSS in there. A
good theme is: