esgf-compute / certification

Software for compute server certification
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ESGF Compute Certification

The esgf-compute-cert tool is a Python 3 utility to certify ESGF compute nodes. This tool will run a set of tests to certify a compute node and/or WPS operaotrs according to the ESGF-Compute-Certification document.

A compute node can be a certified node and/or serve certified WPS operations. The following is a quick overview of the tests to certify a node or operation.

The tool itself is built on pytest and runs much like a traditional unit test suite.



conda install -c conda-forge -c cdat esgf-compute-cert


conda install -c conda-forge -c cdat esgf-compute-cert=0.*



Run all test cases against a server. The argument --module CDAT is the module the testing framework will use to run the server tests against.

cwt-cert --url --module CDAT --token abcd.1234

Create a result file.

cwt-cert --url --module CDAT --token abcd.1234 --json-report-file result.json


The tool is built on top of pytest which enables the filtering of which tests are run by passing marker expressions.

List the markers.

cwt-cert --markers
@pytest.mark.operators: filter operator tests (will run performance and api_compliance tests)

@pytest.mark.performance: filter operator performance tests

@pytest.mark.api_compliance: filter operator api compliance tests

@pytest.mark.server: filter server tests (will run stress, metrics, security and official_operator tests)

@pytest.mark.stress: filter server stress tests

@pytest.mark.metrics: filter server metrics test filter server security test

@pytest.mark.official_operator: filter server official operator test

@pytest.mark.CDAT: filter CDAT module tests

@pytest.mark.subset: filter subset operation tests

@pytest.mark.aggregate: filter aggregate operation tests

@pytest.mark.1_0_0: filter 1_0_0 version tests

Run only server stress test.

cwt-cert ... -m "server and stress"

Run all tests except stress tests.

cwt-cert ... -m "not stress"