eshandas / djello

A pretty and configurable admin panel to enhance the default Django Admin Panel based on Ela Admin
MIT License
1 stars 1 forks source link


A pretty and configurable admin panel to enhance the default Django Admin Panel based on Ela Admin





Login Page


Dashboard with Configurable Widgets

Dashboard 1 Dashboard 2

Custom Header Links

Header Links

Changelist Page

Changelist Changelist Search

Model List Page

Model List

Model Update Page

Model Update

Logout Page




Using pip

pip install djello


    'header_logo': 'djello/images/logo.png',
    'welcome_logo': 'djello/images/logo.png',
    'icons': [],
    'header_links': [('/api/', 'fa-rss'), ('/flower/', 'fa-tasks')],
    'menu': {
        'appauth': {
            'icon': 'fa-users',
            'model_icons': {
                'AppUser': 'fa-user',
                'Role': 'fa-briefcase'}},
        'sample_app': {
            'icon': 'fa-tasks',
            'model_icons': {
                'Post': 'fa-bullhorn'}}},
    'dashboard': [
                'widget': 'stat-widget',
                'id': 'revenue',
                'icon': 'fa-money',
                'color': 'flat-color-1',
                'size': '3',
                'data_url': 'sample_app_api:revenue'
            }, {
                'widget': 'stat-widget',
                'id': 'sales',
                'icon': 'fa-gift',
                'color': 'flat-color-2',
                'size': '3',
                'data_url': 'sample_app_api:sales'
            }, {
                'widget': 'stat-widget',
                'id': 'logsProcessed',
                'icon': 'fa-gears',
                'color': 'flat-color-3',
                'size': '3',
                'data_url': 'sample_app_api:logs_processed'
            }, {
                'widget': 'stat-widget',
                'id': 'peanutsEaten',
                'icon': 'fa-lemon-o',
                'color': 'flat-color-4',
                'size': '3',
                'data_url': 'sample_app_api:peanuts_eaten'
                'widget': 'graph-widget',
                'id': '',
                'size': '12',
                'data_url': '',
            {'widget': 'recent-actions-widget', 'id': '', 'size': '6'},
            {'widget': 'chat-widget', 'id': '', 'size': '6'}
                'widget': 'chartjs-widget',
                'id': 'salesChart',
                'size': '6',
                'data_url': 'sample_app_api:yearly_sales',
            }, {
                'widget': 'chartjs-widget',
                'id': 'barChart',
                'size': '6',
                'data_url': 'sample_app_api:bar_chart',
                'widget': 'chartjs-widget',
                'id': 'radarChart',
                'size': '6',
                'data_url': 'sample_app_api:radar_chart',
            }, {
                'widget': 'chartjs-widget',
                'id': 'doughnutChart',
                'size': '6',
                'data_url': 'sample_app_api:doughnut_chart',


Once Djello is installed and setup is done, it will automatically replace the default admin template with Ela Admin template.


Two logos are to be provided, one what you see in the left side of the header and the other for Login and Logout pages.

'header_logo': 'djello/images/logo.png'
'welcome_logo': 'djello/images/logo.png'

Header Links

Custom header links can be added at the top right corner of the site header.

'header_links': [
    ('/some/url/', '<font awesome icon>'),
    ('/some/other/url/', '<font awesome icon>'),

Sidebar Menu

The sidebar menu shows the installed Django apps and the icons can be configured by:

'menu': {
    '<app_name>': {
        'icon': '<font awesome icon>',
        'model_icons': {
            '<model_name>': '<font awesome icon>',
            '<some_other_model_name>': '<font awesome icon>'}},


Right now only the below listed widgets are supported by Djello, that too only in the Dashboard page. However, I plan to include the ability to add widgets in other pages as well.

The Dashboard can be configured by adding the dashboard key in the Djello settings dict. dashboard is a list of list, where each internal list is a row (bootstrap row) in the template. E.g:

'dashboard': [
    [<row 1 widgets>],
    [<row 2 widgets>],

Each widget has its own configuration dict as mentioned below:

Stat Widget

    'widget': 'stat-widget',  # Name
    'id': 'revenue',  # Unique id to be provided
    'icon': 'fa-money',  # Font Awesome icon
    'color': 'flat-color-1',  # Choose color from: flat-color-1, flat-color-2, flat-color-3, flat-color-4, flat-color-5
    'size': '3',  # Bootstrap grid width (12 means the entire width)
    'data_url': 'sample_app_api:revenue'  # Url (API) to fetch data from

Recent Actions Widget

Shows Django Admin's recent actions

{'widget': 'recent-actions-widget', 'id': 'recentActions', 'size': '6'}

Chartjs Widget

Any Chartjs widget can be embedded by providing the chart type, chart display configurations and data from the api.

    'widget': 'chartjs-widget',
    'id': 'salesChart',
    'size': '6',
    'data_url': 'sample_app_api:yearly_sales',

Below is an example which will add a line graph. This could be changed to any other graph supported by Graphjs just by changing the graph configurations and the data in your API. Visit Chartjs website and explore other kinds of charts.

  "label": "Yearly Sales",
  "type": "line",
  "data": {
    "labels": ["2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2016", "2017", "2018"],
    "type": "line",
    "defaultFontFamily": "Montserrat",
    "datasets": [
        "label": "Foods",
        "data": [0, 30, 15, 110, 50, 63, 120],
        "backgroundColor": "transparent",
        "borderColor": "rgba(220,53,69,0.75)",
        "borderWidth": 3,
        "pointStyle": "circle",
        "pointRadius": 5,
        "pointBorderColor": "transparent",
        "pointBackgroundColor": "rgba(220,53,69,0.75)"
        "label": "Electronics",
        "data": [0, 50, 40, 80, 35, 99, 80],
        "backgroundColor": "transparent",
        "borderColor": "rgba(40,167,69,0.75)",
        "borderWidth": 3,
        "pointStyle": "circle",
        "pointRadius": 5,
        "pointBorderColor": "transparent",
        "pointBackgroundColor": "rgba(40,167,69,0.75)"
  "options": {
    "responsive": true,
    "tooltips": {
      "mode": "index",
      "titleFontSize": 12,
      "titleFontColor": "#000",
      "bodyFontColor": "#000",
      "backgroundColor": "#fff",
      "titleFontFamily": "Montserrat",
      "bodyFontFamily": "Montserrat",
      "cornerRadius": 3,
      "intersect": false
    "legend": {
      "display": false,
      "labels": {
        "usePointStyle": true,
        "fontFamily": "Montserrat"
    "scales": {
      "xAxes": [
          "display": true,
          "gridLines": {
            "display": false,
            "drawBorder": false
          "scaleLabel": {
            "display": false,
            "labelString": "Month"
      "yAxes": [
          "display": true,
          "gridLines": {
            "display": false,
            "drawBorder": false
          "scaleLabel": {
            "display": true,
            "labelString": "Value"
    "title": {
      "display": false,
      "text": "Normal Legend"


Right now, the widgets can only be added in the Dashboard page. I intend to add widget support for other pages as well.

Let me know if you have any other widget that you'd like me to include.