esogu-ceng / school-app-backend

MIT License
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This project contains a Java application that performs school-app functions.


Make sure you have the following software installed on your computer before proceeding:

Note: You can use an alternative SQL client tool instead of pgAdmin 4 if you prefer.


Install Java Development Kit (JDK)

Download Java SE Development Kit 17.0.10 that suits your operating system.

Install PostgreSQL Database Server:

Download PostgreSQL Database Server version 16.2 or newer.

During the installation you may get following error:

"Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly The database cluster initialisation failed."

To install PostgreSQL without any error, do the following:

  1. If you have a 3rd party Antivirus Software, pause it's protection temporarily.
  2. During installation, when it asks you for language, select "English - United States".

The installation should be complete without any error.

Install pgAdmin 4

Download pgAdmin 4. There are several latest releases of pgAdmin 4 versions listed there. You may download one you like.

Creating the PostgreSQL Database

To create the PostgreSQL database: 1.Open a SQL client tool. 2.Connect to your PostgreSQL database server. 3.Execute the following SQL command to create the school_app database: CREATE DATABASE school_app;

Running Database Scripts

After you create the database, you need to run the database scripts which you will find in school-app-db-script folder.

  1. Open a SQL client tool.
  2. Connect to your PostgreSQL database server.
  3. Select the school-app database.
  4. Open and execute the script files in SQL client tool as following:
    • First run create_script.sql.
    • Then run the following scripts in respective order to their filenames.

e.g.: 1. create_script.sql 2. school-app01.sql 3. school-app02.sql ...

Importing Dummy Data into PostgreSQL

Once the database has been created using the scripts from the school-app-db-script folder, you can observe how the project operates with mock data by executing the dummy_data.sql script. This script populates your database with sample data, providing a realistic preview of the application's functionality. To import this dummy data, follow these steps:

  1. Open a SQL client tool.
  2. Connect to your PostgreSQL database server.
  3. Select the school-app database.
  4. Locate and open the dummy_data.sql file from the project's school-app-db-script folder.
  5. Execute the SQL statements within the dummy_data.sql file to populate the database with dummy data. By following these instructions, you can quickly set up your environment to reflect a working state of the application, making it easier to test functionalities, debug, and demonstrate features without the need to manually enter data.

(Optional) Spring Tools 4 (Spring Tool Suite 4)

To know that you have Spring Tools 4 (Spring Tool Suite 4) installed in your Eclipse IDE, do the following:

  1. Open Eclipse IDE.
  2. Select the Help menu and click on Eclipse Marketplace.
  3. In the window opened, choose Installed tab to list solutions that are installed in your IDE.
  4. If there is Spring Tools 4 (aka Spring Tool Suite 4) 4.x.x.RELEASE, you have Spring Tools 4 installed in your IDE. If not, do following:
    • Choose Search tab in Eclipse Marketplace window.
    • Search for **Spring Tools 4 (aka Spring Tool Suite 4) 4.x.x RELEASE
    • Follow the installation steps.

Lombok Installation

  1. Ensure that Lombok is installed in your IDE.
  2. If Lombok is not installed, follow these steps:
    • Close your IDE.
    • Download the lombok.
    • Add the Lombok library to your IDE.
    • Start your IDE.

Importing the Project

  1. Open Eclipse IDE.
  2. Select the File menu and choose the Import option.
  3. In the opened window, select Existing Maven Projects and click Next.
  4. Specify the directory where the project is located (Root Directory) and click Finish.
  5. Eclipse will import the Maven project and add it to the project explorer.

PostgreSQL Integration

To use the PostgreSQL database server, follow these steps:

  1. Open the file located under src/main/resources.
  2. Update your database connection information according to your PostgreSQL server (e.g., URL, username, password, etc.).
  3. Save the changes.

git update-index --assume-unchanged path/to/

The path of it is most likely : src/main/resources/

Setting Run Configurations

For Spring Boot application to read before running, you need to add an argument following these steps:

  1. Select Run and choose the Run Configurations option.
  2. In the opened window on top middle, open Arguments tab.
  3. Add into Program Arguments.

Loading Dependencies and Building the Project

After importing the project, Eclipse will automatically load the dependencies using Maven. This process may take some time and runs in the background. To compile your Maven project, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the project and select Run As from the context menu, then click on Maven Install.
  2. When the Maven project build process is complete, you will see a successful message in the console.

Running the Application

  1. There should be a Java class representing the entry point of the application under src/main/java/ class.
  2. To run the application, follow these steps:
    • Locate the entry point class and right-click on it.
    • From the context menu, select Run As, and then click on Java Application.
  3. When the application runs successfully, you will see the relevant output in the console.

Accessing the Application

When the application is running, you can access the expected screens by navigating to localhost:8080 in your web browser.

Note: Make sure the application is running on the specified port, which is 8080 by default.