esp-rs / esp-idf-sys

Bindings for ESP-IDF (Espressif's IoT Development Framework)
Apache License 2.0
240 stars 114 forks source link
esp-idf esp32 rust

Raw Rust bindings for the ESP IDF SDK

CI Documentation Matrix Wokwi


You might want to also check out the type safe Rust wrappes built on top of these raw bindings:

esp-idf-sys's build script will download the esp-idf, its gcc toolchain, and build it. To show progress and build information about this process run cargo with the -vv (very verbose) flag, so that build script output is also displayed. This is especially useful since the initial build will take a while.

Build Prerequisites

Follow the Prerequisites section in the esp-idf-template crate.

Customizing how the ESP IDF SDK is built

Read the documentation here.


The examples could be built and flashed conveniently with cargo-espflash. To run e.g. std_basics on an e.g. ESP32-C3: (Swap the Rust target and example name with the target corresponding for your ESP32 MCU and with the example you would like to build)

with cargo-espflash:

$ MCU=esp32c3 cargo espflash flash --target riscv32imc-esp-espidf --example std_basics --monitor
MCU "--target"
esp32c2 riscv32imc-esp-espidf
esp32c3 riscv32imc-esp-espidf
esp32c6 riscv32imac-esp-espidf
esp32h2 riscv32imac-esp-espidf
esp32p4 riscv32imafc-esp-espidf
esp32 xtensa-esp32-espidf
esp32s2 xtensa-esp32s2-espidf
esp32s3 xtensa-esp32s3-espidf

Setting up a "Hello, world!" binary crate with ESP IDF

Use the esp-idf-template project. Everything would be arranged and built for you automatically - no need to manually clone the ESP IDF repository.

More information

For more information, check out: