espin-2020 / fluvial

A coupled sediment transport and flooding landlab experiment
MIT License
7 stars 8 forks source link

Coupling grids with different geometries and scales: an example from fluvial geomorphology

A coupled sediment transport and flooding landlab experiment. Still under construction, but working notebook is named fluvial_group_clean.ipynb - look in there for latest, working advances!

Contributors At
Shelby Ahrendt University of Washington
Josie Arcuri Indiana University
Eric Barefoot Rice University
Rachel Bosch University of Cincinnati
François Clapuyt Université Catholique de Louvain
Hima Hassenruck-Gudapati University of Texas at Austin
Vinicius Perin North Carolina State University
Edwin Saavedra C. Northwestern University Github or somethin
Mohit Tunwal Penn State University

Learning Objectives:

A. Software engineering objectives

Through implementing this coupled notebook, students will be able to design a jupyter notebook to:

  1. Introduce two model grid types (network and rectilinear)
  2. Connecting these two grids by layering them on top of each other.
  3. Connecting two rectilinear grids by having output of one feed into the input for another.

B. Fluvial geomorphology objectives

Given a structured Jupyter notebook with parameters that can vary, students will have the opportunity to explore the synergistic effects of:

Conceptual model

conceptual framework

Coupling stuff

conceptual framework

Floodplain + Infiltration
