espressif / esp-dl

Espressif deep-learning library for AIoT applications
MIT License
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ESP-DL [中文]

ESP-DL is a lightweight and efficient neural network inference framework designed specifically for ESP series chips. With ESP-DL, you can easily and quickly develop AI applications using Espressif's System on Chips (SoCs).


ESP-DL offers APIs to load, debug, and run AI models. The framework is easy to use and can be seamlessly integrated with other Espressif SDKs. ESP-PPQ serves as the quantization tool for ESP-DL, capable of quantizing models from ONNX, Pytorch, and TensorFlow, and exporting them into the ESP-DL standard model format.

In general, the ESP-DL features will be supported, as shown below:

Support models

Pedestrian Detection
Human Face Detection

Getting Started

Software Requirements

ESP-DL runs based on ESP-IDF. For detailed instructions on how to get ESP-IDF, please see ESP-IDF Programming Guide.

Please use ESP-IDF release/v5.3 or above.

ESP-PPQ is a quantization tool based on ppq. If you want to quantize your own model, please install esp-ppq using the following command:

pip uninstall ppq
pip install git+

Model Quantization

ESP-PPQ can directly read ONNX models for quantization. Pytorch and TensorFlow need to be converted to ONNX models first, so make sure your model can be converted to ONNX models.
We provide the following python script templates. Please select the appropriate template to quantize your models. For more details about quantization, please refer to tutorial/how_to_quantize_model. Quantize ONNX models Quantize Pytorch models Quantize TensorFlow models

Model Deployment

ESP-DL provides a series of API to quickly load and run models. A typical example is as follows:

#include "dl_model_base.hpp"

extern const uint8_t espdl_model[] asm("_binary_model_name_espdl_start");
Model *model = new Model((const char *)espdl_model, fbs::MODEL_LOCATION_IN_FLASH_RODATA);
model->run(inputs); // inputs is a tensor or a map of tensors

For more details, please refer to tutorial/how_to_load_model and mobilenet_v2 examples