espruino / EspruinoTools

JavaScript library of tools for Espruino - used for the Web IDE, CLI, etc.
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Terminal support for handling color text display with ANSI escape sequences #154

Open SimonGAndrews opened 1 year ago

SimonGAndrews commented 1 year ago

Formalising suggested enhancement to provide support for the display of coloured text in the terminal window of the WebIDE (and other usage of the core terminal module) as per forum discussion Suggestion is to allow console.log from Espruino to embed standard ANSI/VT100 set/reset display attribute sequences to enable changes to foreground and background colours of the text displayed in the terminal window.

SimonGAndrews commented 1 year ago

Happy to be assigned the task

The ansi/VT100 standards allow for the the escape sequences 'esc [ nnn m; to be used to set/reset the foreground and background colour of text. image



Investigations show the change can be effected in In summary the new escape sequences need to be trapped and used to effect the creation of additional HTML to be sent to the terminal canvas in the browser plugin. The existing 3rd party library under MIT license provides the code necessary to convert the ANSI control sequences into HTML spans with style=colour attributes.

In more detail terminal.js functions handleRecievedCharacter() and updateTerminal() will be modified and a new function terminalCodesToHtml() (a modified version of Osteele's library) will be added.

Initial versions of these changes have been made and will be tested in the fork

Notes on testing to follow here (all comments welcome)

gfwilliams commented 1 year ago

This sounds like a great idea to me.

However, I'm not entirely sure about:

Specifically I'm very unsure about including escape characters in termText. I think this will break other things (clicking, deleting, and also stepping over coloured text with arrow keys) as we assume that termCursorX points to the column of chars, which is in termText[termCursorY][termCursorX].

As far as I can tell if you set the cursor color, right now it only sets the color for that line, not for subsequent lines?


I'm open to suggestions, but it feels like in handleReceivedCharacter we basically decode the escape codes anyway, so it might be better to figure out what they are meant to do in handleReceivedCharacter, and then store them separately.

For each terminal line we could have an array of {position,color} objects, and then when we're generating the HTML I guess we could fix up the output line as we go along?

SimonGAndrews commented 1 year ago

ok, thanks Gordon, will take another look with your feedback. I do like the library , its a pretty elegant way to get the HTML created.
But yes it does only colour the current line , its not modal across all lines as a VT100 would behave. This was good enough for simple console.log. Is ther another use case to test ?

Ill get a test for the areas you suggest would break, as Ive not seen that in a node standalone build of the WebIDE. (by the way the term text insert of escape sequences is as characters with cursor variables adjusted, but im probably missing something ).

What other builds would need testing ?

will have another go next week.

SimonGAndrews commented 1 year ago

Ok slept on this and will abandon current approach. Will try your idea: ‘For each terminal line we could have an array of {position,color} objects, and then when we're generating the HTML I guess we could fix up the output line as we go along?’

SimonGAndrews commented 1 year ago

New version of terminal.js ready for my detailed testing shared in my branch (plan B) as above. Takes on Board @gfwilliams comments and uses his suggested approach (leaves termText as before). Solution now is fully modal in that a change to display attributes is maintained across multiple terminal lines until cleared. Ive extended the solution to cover other ansi control sequences for text attributes: underline, bold, etc. Supports delimited control sequences such as esc[0;31;41m The two major areas of change areas of change are in funcions handleReceivedCharacter() and updateTerminal() (all in terminal.js) Apologies Lots of moving about code to tidy up in my latest push make differences from original a little tricky to see)

SimonGAndrews commented 1 year ago

handleReceivedCharacter() now uses a simple state machine approach to handling the control sequences. It makes adding new sequences pretty straight fprward, but seemed necessary to handle the more complicated delimited control sequences.

A new function buildAttribSpans() is used by updateTerminal() to construct HTML spans with stryles based upon the termAttribute[] array which corresponds to termText[].
termAttribute[] is @gfwilliams suggested 'For each terminal line we could have an array of {position,color} objects'. Which is now extended to cover the other text attributes.

Theres a slightly complicated method to get from attributes to HTML styles which is based upon a lookup object in attributes[{}]. The new function setActiveStyles(obj) uses attributes[{}] to convert contents of termAttribute[] to the HTML styles currently active into activeStyles[]. An HTML style string containing all active styles is achieved with "<span style=" + activeStyles.join(";") + ">"

SimonGAndrews commented 1 year ago

I will be testing in windows , building the nw version of the app. Ill post the tests im doing. I assum other builds will need testing .. may need help with that. As always ill take any advice.

SimonGAndrews commented 1 year ago


Looking something like this ...

gfwilliams commented 1 year ago

Great, thanks for this! I'll try and take a proper look at this next week.

Please could you try forking EspruinoWebIDE with your new EspruinoTools, then enable GitHub pages for it?

It should then be possible for anyone to just go to and try it out, a bit like you can for

gfwilliams commented 1 year ago

Just to confirm, it's these changes?

The state machine looks really tidy. About the only thing I'd say (and I'm not sure this really matters that much) is that right now you do:

ccStateMapCChars =[
    {state:'wait@ESC',inChrs:'[',nextState:'wait@CSI',action: '' },

    {state:'wait@CSI',inChrs:'A',nextState:'start',action: () => cursorUp() },
    {state:'wait@CSI',inChrs:'B',nextState:'start',action: () => cursorDown() },
    {state:'wait@CSI',inChrs:'C',nextState:'start',action: () => cursorRight() },
    {state:'wait@CSI',inChrs:'D',nextState:'start',action: () => cursorLeft() },
    {state:'wait@CSI',inChrs:'J',nextState:'start',action: () => delEndOfScreen() },
    {state:'wait@CSI',inChrs:'K',nextState:'start',action: () => delEndOfLine() },

// and
newState = ccStateMapCChars.find( 
        (states) =>
          states.state === currentState && ...

But if you did:

ccStateMapCChars = {
    'wait@ESC' : [ {inChrs:'[',nextState:'wait@CSI',action: '' }] ,
    'wait@CSI' : [
        {inChrs:'A',nextState:'start',action: () => cursorUp() },
        {inChrs:'B',nextState:'start',action: () => cursorDown() },
        {inChrs:'C',nextState:'start',action: () => cursorRight() },
        {inChrs:'D',nextState:'start',action: () => cursorLeft() },
        {inChrs:'J',nextState:'start',action: () => delEndOfScreen() },
        {inChrs:'K',nextState:'start',action: () => delEndOfLine() },
// and
newState = ccStateMapCChars[currentState] && ccStateMapCChars[currentState].find( 
        (states) => ...

I imagine it would be a lot faster processing characters as they came in... And I guess you could merge in ccStateMapStart and ccStateMapCChars - as do you currently do that at the moment to make sure things run quickly?

SimonGAndrews commented 1 year ago

Thanks @gfwilliams for feedback. I'll sort a clone of espruinoWebIde using my changed Espruino tools fork as a submodule as suggested. I'll also make the structure change you suggest to the state maps. Your right inthat I was trying to speed up by splitting the start states out, but also it confidently enabled the no match in the start state to be addcharacter(). But looks like a regex of [ -~] would match all printable characters and solve that.

Found a couple of bugs already with fixes WIP. Will be using my espruinoTools master branch now.

gfwilliams commented 1 year ago

Excellent - thanks! When you're ready let me know here and I'll have a test and merge in :)

SimonGAndrews commented 1 year ago

quick status - testing slowly but surely. My fork for webIDE now links to my modified fork of EspruinoTools core terminal.

gfwilliams commented 1 year ago

Great! The code looks really nice to me on - let me know when you feel it's tested enough and ready to merge :)