Material for the practical course on reproducibility of scientific analysis (plan de formación CSIC 2022)
:beginner: L1.1 - Introduction to the course and platform :pill: Javier Moldón
:beginner: L1.2 - Importance of Open Science and reproducibility :pill: Susana Expósito
:beginner: L1.3 - Intro Github :pill: Javier Moldón
:beginner: L1.4 - Version control, working environments. Tools and good practices in the scientific field :pill: Susana Expósito
:beginner: T1.5 - Repository management platforms and collaborative science. GitHub :pill: Manuel Parra-Royón
:beginner: L2.1 - Principios FAIR para recursos digitales :pill: Julian Garrido
:beginner: T2.2 - Introduction to tools for repository management with git :pill: Manuel Parra-Royón
:beginner: T2.3 - Going full version control with git :pill: Javier Moldón
:beginner: T3.1 - Open source package managers (conda) :pill: Javier Moldón
:beginner: T3.2 - Software containers (Singularity) :pill: Manuel Parra-Royón
:beginner: L4.1 - Intro to workflow management systems :pill: María Ángeles Mendoza
:beginner: T4.2 - Workflow management tools: snakemake (and airflow) :pill: Manuel Parra-Royón
:beginner: T5.1 - Jupyter Notebook: The XXI century lab book :pill: Laura Darriba
:beginner: T5.2 - Share your results with the World with Binder :pill: Javier Moldón
:beginner: T6.1 - Open Science impact and policies :pill: Julián Garrido
:beginner: T6.2 - Open your research results to the community :pill: Laura Darriba