esri-es / Fiware-ArcGIS

Middleware that allows Fiware Context Broker notifications to be stored in ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Server
2 stars 3 forks source link

README en Español

This tool allows you to add sensor information received from a Context Broker into an ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Server account.


How to

To install Fiware-ArcGIS you just need to execute the following commands:

$ git clone
$ cd fiware_arcgis
$ npm install
$ node fiware_arcgis.js 

With these commands we launched the server and waits until we receive any requests from the Context Broker to process the information and add it to ArcGIS Online / Server.

Configuration file

Let's review the configuration file (config.json):

    "debug": false,
    "port": 4003,
    "username": "<your user>",
    "password": "<your password>",
    "root_url": "",
    "services_url": "",
    "account_id": "<your account id>",

        "traffic" : {
            "serviceName": "Traffic sensors",
            "route": "/santander_traffic",
            "fields": [
                ["TimeInstant", "esriFieldTypeDate"],
                ["id", "esriFieldTypeString"],
                ["Latitud", "esriFieldTypeDouble"],
                ["Longitud", "esriFieldTypeDouble"],
                ["average_speed", "esriFieldTypeDouble"],
                ["median_speed", "esriFieldTypeDouble"],
                ["occupancy", "esriFieldTypeDouble"],
                ["trafficIntensity", "esriFieldTypeDouble"]

        "lux" : {
            "serviceName": "Lux sensors",
            "route": "/santander_lux",
            "fields": [
                ["TimeInstant", "esriFieldTypeDate"],
                ["id", "esriFieldTypeString"],
                ["Latitud", "esriFieldTypeDouble"],
                ["Longitud", "esriFieldTypeDouble"],
                ["temperature", "esriFieldTypeDouble"],
                ["luminousFlux", "esriFieldTypeDouble"],
                ["batteryCharge", "esriFieldTypeDouble"],
                ["acceleration", "esriFieldTypeDouble"]

        "sound" : {
            "serviceName": "Sound sensors",
            "route": "/santander_sound",
            "fields": [
                ["TimeInstant", "esriFieldTypeDate"],
                ["id", "esriFieldTypeString"],
                ["Latitud", "esriFieldTypeDouble"],
                ["Longitud", "esriFieldTypeDouble"],
                ["sound", "esriFieldTypeDouble"],
                ["batteryCharge", "esriFieldTypeDouble"]

        "soundacc" : {
            "serviceName": "Soundacc sensors",
            "route": "/santander_soundacc",
            "fields": [
                ["TimeInstant", "esriFieldTypeDate"],
                ["id", "esriFieldTypeString"],
                ["Latitud", "esriFieldTypeDouble"],
                ["Longitud", "esriFieldTypeDouble"],
                ["sound", "esriFieldTypeDouble"],
                ["batteryCharge", "esriFieldTypeDouble"],
                ["acceleration", "esriFieldTypeDouble"]

        "bus" : {
            "serviceName": "Bus sensors",
            "route": "/santander_bus",
            "fields": [
                ["TimeInstant", "esriFieldTypeDate"],
                ["TimeInstantModified", "esriFieldTypeDate"],
                ["id", "esriFieldTypeString"],
                ["index", "esriFieldTypeString"],
                ["line", "esriFieldTypeString"],
                ["position", "esriFieldTypeString"],
                ["service", "esriFieldTypeDouble"],
                ["speed", "esriFieldTypeDouble"],
                ["status", "esriFieldTypeDouble"],
                ["vehicle", "esriFieldTypeDouble"]

Let's see the configurations variables:

The next image shows where you will find the services_url and account_id values in ArcGIS Online: