esrille / escudo

The Escudo Web Browser
Apache License 2.0
68 stars 13 forks source link

This directory contains Escudo web browser.

Escudo is a new web browser currently being developed as one of the ES operating system projects.

Escudo contains a totally new CSS/HTML rendering engine written in C++11. Escudo can be configured with SpiderMonkey or V8 JavaScript engine along with the C++11 Web IDL binding of the esidl Web IDL compiler. For the graphics backend, Escudo web browser uses OpenGL for the better performance and portability.

The core components of the Escudo web browser will be used like a window system in today's operating systems in the ES operating system, but before doing so, we are experimenting it as a standalone web browser on Linux. The user interface of the Escudo web browser itself is written in HTML/CSS and JavaScript on top of the Escudo core components.


ES operating system is open source software. See the file LICENSE for copying permission. The manuals, and some of the software programs, are under different terms; see the individual source files for details.

See for how to report problems.