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GNU General Public License v3.0
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Juju Lint


This is intended to be run against a yaml or json dump of Juju status, a YAML dump of a juju bundle, or a remote cloud or clouds via SSH.

To generate a status if you just want to audit placement:

juju status --format yaml > status.yaml

For auditing configuration, you would want (you need charm defaults to avoid false positives):

juju export-bundle --include-charm-defaults > bundle.yaml

Then run juju-lint (using a rules file of lint-rules.yaml):

juju-lint status.yaml (or bundle.yaml)

You can also enable additional checks for specific cloud types by specifying the cloud type with -t as such:

juju-lint -t openstack bundle.yaml

For remote or mass audits, you can remote audit clouds via SSH. To do this, you will need to add the clouds to your config file in:


See the example config file in the jujulint directory of this repo. This tool will use your existing SSH keys, SSH agent, and SSH config. If you are running from the snap, you will need to connect the ssh-keys interface in order to grant access to your SSH configuation.

To use a different rules file:

juju-lint -c my-rules.yaml

For all other options, consult juju-lint --help


A typical use case is linting an openstack cloud:

juju status -m openstack --format=json > juju-status.json
juju export-bundle --include-charm-defaults -m openstack > bundle.yaml
juju-lint -c /snap/juju-lint/current/contrib/fcb-ussuri-focal.yaml \
    -t openstack juju-status.json
juju-lint -c /snap/juju-lint/current/contrib/fcb-ussuri-focal.yaml \
    -t openstack bundle.yaml

Rules File

For an example of a rules file, see example-lint-rules.yaml.

Supported top-level options for your rules file:

  1. subordinates - required subordinates.
  2. known charms - all primary charms should be in this list.
  3. operations [mandatory|optional|subordinate]
  4. openstack [mandatory|optional|subordinate]
  5. config - application configuration auditing
  6. [openstack|kubernetes] config - config auditing for specific cloud types.
  7. space checks - enforce/ignore checks for relation binding space mismatches.
  8. !include <relative path> - Extension to yaml to include files.


The snap comes with some standard rules that tries to match the bundles generated on fce-templates. It's assumed that ovn is used by default. You can find the rules at /snap/juju-lint/current/contrib/ and they have the following pattern:


E.g: fcb-ussuri-focal.yaml, fcb-ussuri-focal-ovs.yaml


The rules starting with openstack, e.g: openstack-bionic-ovn.yaml, will be deprecated.

Space checks

All relations defined within a bundle, except for cross-model relationships, will be checked for mismatches of their space bindings.

By default, mismatches are logged as warnings as they are not necessarily critical problems. If applications can route to each other despite the mismatch, there may be no real issue here, and it may be appropriate to ignore certain issues. On the other hand, these mismatches may cause problems ranging from impaired throughput due to using suboptimal interfaces to breakages due to not being able to route between the related units.

The following options are available to either log such mismatches as errors or to ignore them entirely:

  1. enforce endpoints - A list of : strings. If a mismatch matches one of these endpoints, it will be flagged as an error.
  2. enforce relations - A list of two-item : string lists, representing the two linked endpoints of a relation. If a mismatch matches one of these relations, it will be flagged as an error.
  3. ignore endpoints - A list of : strings. If a mismatch matches one of these endpoints, it will be ignored.
  4. ignore relations - A list of two-item : string lists, representing the two linked endpoints of a relation. If a mismatch matches one of these relations, it will be ignored.

In the case of a mismatch matching both enforce and ignore rules, the enforce rule will "win" and it will be flagged as an error.

Note that all the above checks use charm names rather than application names in their endpoint strings.


Copyright 2020 Canonical Limited. License granted by Canonical Limited.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see