etc5521-2020 / assignment-1-galah

assignment-1-galah created by GitHub Classroom
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Data description and Questions #1

Open dicook opened 3 years ago

dicook commented 3 years ago

Good job getting started on these sections in a timely fashion.

The introduction is a good start.

Your data description is very minimal. You should include:

  1. Source of data
  2. Number of observations, and time range
  3. Each variable should have longer and more complete explanations.

Your questions are not all data focused, or generally interesting.

This one "Which state has highest rate for the best possible outcome for animals?" is pretty good. It is focused on the data, and it's clear that you would examine it from the first table. But what does "best outcome" mean? Would it be more interesting to ask "Are there differences in the outcomes (euthanised, rehomed, ...) across different states, and do some states attain better outcomes than others?"

This one "What is the percentage of rehomed animals state wise?" is a poor question. It focuses on a statistic rather than the data, and it is really a subset of the question above. Why would you focus on rehomed than other categories? I recommend coming up with a completely different question.

This one "Cats Vs Dogs who are more likely to get adopted or reclaimed?" is pretty good, but could be more carefully written, eg "People are often grouped into cat or dog people, and there is a general belief that cats are more popular pets than dogs. Do cats tend to be more often adopted or reclaimed than dogs from Australian RSPCA?"

dicook commented 3 years ago

Another issue that you need to keep in mind in the analysis, is whether the data from one state to another can be compared. Are regulations the same from state to state? Are there similar counts? Do you need to compute proportions?