etc5521-2020 / assignment-1-galah

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ETC5521 Assignment 1

Team name: Galah

Team members:


  1. Write your data description under the header Data description in index.Rmd. A data description should tell the reader the source of the data, and detail the structure of the data, including variables, time frame of collection, collection methods.

  2. Brainstorm what questions would be possible to answer with this data (and only this data). Articulate the primary question, and then three secondary questions.

  3. Finish your report, which should be structured as follows

    • Introduction and motivation: Give the bigger picture of the data, and inspire the reader to learn more about the problem by reading your analysis.
    • Data description
    • Analysis and Findings, which includes at least one plot or numerical summary for each of your questions, that helps the reader arrive at an answer. You should also write paragraphs describing the methods, summaries and findings.
    • References
  4. Provide peer feedback on assigned report. You will be randomly assigned another team's report, and be expected to reproduce their analysis, and provide constructive input on the analysis. The purpose of peer feedback is to learn how other analysts approach problems, and to help improve other analysts analyses.
