etc5521-2020 / assignment-1-galah

assignment-1-galah created by GitHub Classroom
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Improvement for original analysis #5

Open xhee0013 opened 4 years ago

xhee0013 commented 4 years ago

The improvement for original research

From original analysis

Q1: Which state has highest rate for the best possible outcome for animals?

Q2: Which animal is euthanized the most throughout Australia?

Q3: What is the percentage of rehomed animals state wise?

Q4: Cats versus dogs who are more likely to get reclaimed?

Q4.1 While we are at the subject of cats versus dogs, who gets the most complaints?

Q4.2 What are the most frequent complaints in Brisbane?

Improvement for original analysis


Except for giving the general brief for RSPCA , the primary question and structure of this report will be introduced in this part.

Research question: list the research question directly

Data description:

Make tables for data structure and details, and clarify the data source


Adding more reasonable limitation for three data sets such as complaints data only focus on Queensland instead of Australia with general perspective

Secondary questions:

  1. Combined with Q1,Q2 and Q3, it will talk about the animal outcome situation and how they distributed in each state

  2. Do cats tend to be more often adopted or reclaimed than dogs from Australian RSPCA?

Recalculating the percentage with reclaimed with dog and cats

  1. What are the most frequent complaints in Brisbane?

    New question:


Based on above analysis, we will give more appropriate conclusion in this research report.

ltmoo2 commented 4 years ago

In addition to the overall structural changes outlined above. Several changes relating to the content and its presentation will also be changed. This includes additions such as:

These changes, and those above, will be implemented with the aim of bringing the analysis to a more complete state so that the refined primary question and secondary questions can be answered confidently,