etc5521-2020 / assignment-1-galah

assignment-1-galah created by GitHub Classroom
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Overview of how the original report have been improved #6

Open xhee0013 opened 3 years ago

xhee0013 commented 3 years ago


The primary question is specified : " How does the RSPCA manage animal outcomes across Australia?" and several secondary questions are introduced in this section.

Data description

By using the table format to describe clearly about data structure and details, data source has been added in this part as well. In addition, updated the limitation of each data and make them more reasonable and specific. For example: animal complaints data only focus on Queensland instead of Australia with general perspective or the number for the animals outcome might be effected by the different legislation governing the animal welfare.

Original Question

Combined with Q1-Q3 as one question to talk about good outcomes for animals in Australia, and separated Q4 into each single question and rewrite all the content as well for the all original question by adding more analysis and supportive reference.

New question


Rewrite the conclusion which is more related to the above analysis rather than talking about irrelevant topic such as what else RSPCA can do for protecting the animals in the original report.