etc5521-2020 / assignment-1-quoll

assignment-1-quoll created by GitHub Classroom
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ETC5521 Assignment 1

Team name: quoll

Team members:


  1. Add your names to the file on the repo.

  2. You should create a new issue on the repo, that maps out how the report will be improved. Both members need to comment on the plan. There are various ways you might think about to improve the first analysis: you can brainstorm new questions to answer, different plots or calculations to answer the original questions, or even remove parts that were not effective in the previous report. Think about how elements of topics covered in weeks 4-6 might be used. Also think about what would be needed to do to finish the analysis, to be able to make some conclusions about what was learned from the analysis about the topic of the data.

  3. Each team member needs to add one new question to be answered with the data, that will broaden the scope of the existing report. Write this into the revised report.

  4. Finish your report, which should be structured as follows

  1. Write a brief overview of how you have improved on the original report. This needs to be done by adding a new issue to the GitHub repo, containing the summary.

  2. Provide peer feedback on assigned report. You will be randomly assigned another team’s report, and be expected to reproduce their analysis, and provide constructive input on the analysis. The purpose of peer feedback is to learn how other analysts approach problems, and to help improve other analysts analyses.