etendosoftware / docker_environment

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Etendo Project Setup

Technical Description: Deployment of Etendo as a Docker Image


The deployment of Etendo as a Docker image involves setting up a containerized environment where the Etendo application runs within a Docker container, orchestrated by Docker Compose. This setup ensures a consistent and isolated environment, making the deployment process more streamlined and less prone to errors due to variations in the underlying host system.


  1. Docker Container: A lightweight, standalone, executable package that includes everything needed to run the Etendo application - code, runtime, system tools, libraries, and settings.

  2. Docker Compose: A tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. It uses a YAML file (docker-compose.yml) to configure the application's services, networks, and volumes.

  3. Dockerfile: A text file containing a series of commands used to assemble the Docker image for the Etendo application.

  4. PostgreSQL Container: A separate container running the PostgreSQL database, linked to the Etendo application container for data storage.

  5. Volumes: Persistent storage used by Docker containers, particularly for the PostgreSQL database, to ensure data persistence across container restarts and updates.

  6. Network: An isolated network created by Docker Compose, allowing containers to communicate with each other.

Deployment Process

  1. Building the Image: The Dockerfile defines the steps to build the Etendo application image, starting from a base Java image, adding the application code, and configuring the necessary environment.

  2. Defining Services: The docker-compose.yml file describes the services (Etendo app and PostgreSQL database), their configuration, networks, and volumes.

  3. Running the Containers: Docker Compose reads the docker-compose.yml file and starts the containers as defined. The Etendo application container connects to the PostgreSQL container for database operations.

  4. Accessing the Application: Once the containers are running, the Etendo application becomes accessible on the specified port.

Key Considerations

Multi-Stage Building in Docker


Multi-stage builds in Docker allow you to create cleaner Docker images by separating the build process into multiple stages. This method is particularly useful for applications like Etendo, where the build process involves several steps and potentially requires different tools and environments.

How It Works in provided Dockerfile

  1. First Stage: Building the Application (as builder)

    • Base Image: Starts with java jdk as the base image.
    • User Setup: Creates a user and group for running the application.
    • Copying Source Code: Copies the Etendo source code into the image.
    • Setting Up the Environment: Prepares the necessary directories and permissions.
    • Building the Application: Executes build commands (./gradlew setup, ./gradlew install or ./gradlew update.database, and ./gradlew smartbuild) to compile and prepare the application.
    • Preparing the WAR File: Generates the WAR file (./gradlew antWar) for deployment.
  2. Second Stage: Creating the Runtime Image

    • Base Image: Uses generic tomcat as the base image for the runtime environment.
    • Copying the WAR File: Copies only the etendo.war file from the builder stage. This is the key step that ensures the final image does not contain the source code, only the compiled application.


Final Image

The final Docker image created by this Dockerfile contains only the necessary components to run the Etendo application on a Tomcat server. It includes the WAR file (etendo.war) but does not include the source code or any of the build tools used in the first stage. This approach ensures that the final image is optimized for size, security, and performance.

By using multi-stage builds, you effectively separate the build environment from the runtime environment, resulting in a clean, minimal final Docker image for deployment.


Setup Instructions

1. Prepare the Etendo Source

Option A: Clone the Repository (For a Fresh Start)

Option B: Use Existing Etendo Source Folder

If you already have a custom Etendo source folder, ensure it is named "etendo" and proceed with the next steps.

2. Copy Environment File

3. Configure GitHub Credentials

4. Build and Run the Database

5. Build Etendo Image

6. Start the Etendo Application

Accessing the Application

Once the application is up, you can access it at http://localhost:8080/etendo.


Further Information

For more detailed information about Etendo, visit the official documentation.