eth-sri / llmprivacy

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This is the repository accompanying our ICLR 2024 paper "Beyond Memorization: Violating Privacy via Inference with Large Language Models".

Notice :warning:

If you are looking for a synthetic dataset to evaluate personal attribute inferences capabilities we have a new work called A Synthetic Dataset for Personal Attribute Inference. It consists a large-scale fully-synthetic dataset as well as a data generation pipelline. In our corresponding paper we show that the dataset is a good proxy for real-world data, allowing all the same conclusions across all experiments, and can be used to evaluate personal attribute inference in a privacy-preserving manner.


:books: Dataset: Hugging Face

:floppy_disk: Code: GitHub

:mortar_board: Paper: Arxiv

Getting started

The easiest way to get started with the project is to simply run the script. This will load a synthetic example and run a single query on it. This will give you a brief overview of the the main prompt and outputs.

Before running the demo, you need to install the environment. We recommend using mamba to install the environment via mamba env create -f environment.yaml which will create an environment called beyond-mem (see for detailed instructions below). You can then activate the environment via conda activate beyond-mem.

The demo script uses the OpenAI API and you need to set the credentials in to use the OpenAI-API (we provide a template in You can adapt the code directly in the file to use a different model (Line 21) and refer you to exemplarary configs such as configs/reddit/running/reddit_llama2_7b.yaml for reference.

If you want to run other experiments, you can use the script. This script takes a config file as input and runs the respective experiment. We provide a set of sample configs in the configs folder. You can run the script via python ./ --config_path <your_config>. For more detail we refer to the documentation below.


This repo contains both the original code for the experiments as well as the code used to create and evaluate synthetic examples. Please note that due to privacy concerns the original dataset will not be released.

We now describe the project structure in more detail

You can find all experimental configurations in /configs.

All datasets are stored in /data (Note that for the full set of synthetic examples refer the the description below).

/parsing contains the code to parse the ACS Adult dataset.

/scripts contains scripts:

/src Contains the code for all our experiments. They are largely split into individual datasets with some shared code:

/ Contains the credentials for the OpenAI as well as Azure API.

/environment.yaml Contains the environment definition for the project.

/ Contains the main entry point for the experiments.

/ Contains a simple demo to run a single query on the synthetic data.

/ Contains the script to generate all plots.


Install mamba via:

curl -L -O "$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh"
bash Mambaforge-$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh

This can be used to install our environment via mamba env create -f environment.yaml which will create an environment called beyond-mem.

Assuming you have all data for your respective runs you can set the credentials in to use the OpenAI-API. For HuggingFace models please also login first using huggingface-cli login and your respective API token. FOR Google Vertex-AI via GCP we refer to the respective setup instructions here []


To run any experiment proceed as follows:

conda activate beyond-mem
python ./ --config_path <your_config>

we provide a set of configs in the configs folder (Note that for many you have to adjust the data - configs/reddit/running/reddit_synthetic_gpt4.yaml should run all synthetic samples using OpenAIs GPT-4). We also provide a simple file which runs a single query from the synthetic data. Note that by default configs will redirect the output to the ./results folder. You can change this by adapting the output_dir in the config.

Running on synthetic samples

Configs generally require a datasource - as PR is not publicly available due to Ethics- and Privacy-Guidelines, you can run a config on the respective synthetic datapoints as it is shown in configs/reddit/running/reddit_synthetic_gpt4.yaml. For this simply adapt the corresponding path in the config to the location of the synthetic dataset (contained in this repo).


The respecitve ACS ablation experiments we ran the configs contained in configs/acs in particular acs_{gpt4|xgb}_{1..5}.


Our respective PAN experiment can be found in configs/pan. Note that the PAN dataset is access only (we left corresponding instructions in the respective folder). Depending on the used model (and its context size) you might want to subsample the number of comments per profile (via the subsample option the config).

Running synthetic conversations

To generate adversarial conversations between bots, run python --config_path configs/4R_config_all_pers_location_age_sex.yaml. For evaluation, run python --config_path configs/4R_config_all_pers_location_age_sex_eval.yaml.

Creation of synthetic examples

First, to generate a .json with the synthetic profiles run python on the path data/curious_bots. Note that the synthetic example generation is seeded with real-world examples that we do not intend to release for ethical considerations. Therefore, before synthetic samples can be created, one has to construct examples for both the investigator and the user, and for each hardness level and feature. The examples have to be placed on the paths: data/synthetic/examples/<role>/<feature>/<role>_examples_<feature>_hard<hardness_level>.txt, where <role> may be investigator or user, feature is the feature name as in the profiles, and hardness_level is an integer between 1 and 5.

As the examples for the education feature a completely manually constructed, we publish them, and they can serve as a template for how the examples for other features are to be consturcted.

Once all examples have been constructed, run the command python --config_path configs/synthetic_data/synthetic.yaml. Note that even given our original examples, this would generate a superset of our released synthetic examples, containing also different hardness scores. This is because the released examples have been filtered and adjusted for appropriate hardness by hand.

If you have constructed examples only for a subset of the features or hardness levels, you may reduce the hardness level or feature coverage in configs/synthetic_data/synthetic.yaml.


All plots are generated using the src/visualization/ script. In particular all main plots were generated using the script. In case you want to make different plots, we recommend that you take a look a these files and adapt them to your corresponding needs. The corresponding primary files are src/visualization/ for the ACS plots and src/visualization/ for all plots on PR.

[25.01.24] Synthetic Examples

We release the synthetic examples that are part of our evaluation in the paper. For a more detailed explanation of the example creation, we refer to the paper appendix. Additionally, we want to make the following relevant disclaimers and notes about the examples:

Note that the synthetic examples themselves are licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. We ask you to respect the license and not use the examples for commercial purposes. If you use the examples in your work, consider citing our paper.


    title={Beyond Memorization: Violating Privacy via Inference with Large Language Models},
    author={Robin Staab and Mark Vero and Mislav Balunović and Martin Vechev},
    booktitle={The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations},