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Eth2 Data Research Hub

Welcome! This project was put together by Elias Simos and Sid Shekhar, answering the Ethereum Foundation's call for submission towards the Medalla data challenge.

:sparkles: :sparkles:

While we started with Medalla, our hope is to continue working towards enriching the ecosystem with more research and metrics, as Phase 0 of eth2 rolls out.

In our view, good measurement of key parameters, leads to better understanding of live networks and an overall a healthier ecosystem.


In this repo, you will find:

We have tried to keep the notebook titles and content, as self-explanatory as possible, but we will keep updating and polishing over time.


We are using the latest version of Python Anaconda to power the notebooks - see how to install here.

bash ~/Downloads/Anaconda3-2020.02-MacOSX-x86_64.s

We also recommend installing Jupyter Lab to run the notebooks - with conda,

conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab

or pip!

pip install jupyterlab


We have uploaded the majority of the data necessary to replicate the analysis here. Request, and thou shalt receive!

Some of the lighter .csv's you might also find under the data folder in this repo.

The attestations dataset (6.6GB overall) is broken up in pieces, but we have provisioned code to merge it together and check for validity under attestations_merge.ipynb.

To get acquainted with the analysis logic, we suggest first running a sandboxed version of the attestations_aggregation_finality_analysis.ipynb on a small subset of the attestations dataset - which you will find in the data folder under atts_50k_rows.csv.


Pull requests are welcome! For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

We are particularly interested in:

  1. replicating the analysis with Lighthouse API data
  2. calculating the delta between the slashable offences enforced, and those committed

Regarding (2) will find a good library of code to get you going under the attestations_aggregation_finality_analysis.ipynb.
