ethanzh / shell

Useful shell commands as I find out about them
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Useful shell commands

Note: Some of these programs are not built-in, and some are platform-dependent

Package Management

pacman -Syu - update all packages on Arch

brew bundle - install from a Brewfile

brew bundle dump - generate a Brewfile

. venv/bin/ - activate a python venv on fish

Window Management


tmux new -s <name> - create new named tmux session

tmux a -t <name> - attach to named session

tmux ls - list all tmux sessions

Text Editing


vim + <file> - open file with cursor at the bottom of file


ufw allow 5000/tcp - allow connections on a given port

lsof -i :5000 - find which process is running on a given port

System Configuration

uname - get name of operating system (macOS is Darwin)

neofetch - display basic system info and splash screen

Image Processing

convert -size 32x32 xc:white white.png - create a blank image file from command line


tldr <command> - simplified man page with examples

pbcopy/pbpaste - interact with clipboard from terminal