A beautifully simple, yet deceptively powerful, Map field that works out of the
box with no setup or API tokens needed!
Configure the map field to only show the features you want; hide the address,
show latitude / longitude, or hide the map entirely. Choose from 4 geocoding
services, 3 geolocation services, and 24 map tilesets!
Maps offers full multi-site support, compatibility with Matrix,
SuperTable, and
CraftQL, and the ability to search by
location and sort by distance.
Mini Map
Maps offers a mini map field that fits perfectly in a Super Table without
taking up a lot of space!
Map Tiles and Geo
Maps supports the following map tiles:
[Wikimedia]( | | |
--- | --- | ---
![Wikimedia](./resources/imgs/tilesets/wikimedia.png) | |
Wikimedia | |
[OpenStreetMap]( | | |
--- | --- | ---
![OpenStreetMap](./resources/imgs/tilesets/openstreetmap.png) | |
OpenStreetMap | |
Carto (Voyager, Positron, Dark Matter)
[Carto]( | | |
--- | --- | ---
![Carto Voyager](./resources/imgs/tilesets/carto-rastertiles-voyager.png) | ![Carto Positron](./resources/imgs/tilesets/carto-light_all.png) | ![Carto Dark Matter](./resources/imgs/tilesets/carto-dark_all.png)
Voyager | Positron | Dark Matter
Mapbox (Outdoors, Streets, Dark, Light)
[Mapbox]( | | |
--- | --- | ---
![Mapbox Outdoors](./resources/imgs/tilesets/mapbox-outdoors.png) | ![Mapbox Streets](./resources/imgs/tilesets/mapbox-streets.png) | ![Mapbox Dark](./resources/imgs/tilesets/mapbox-dark.png)
Outdoors | Streets | Dark
![Mapbox Light](./resources/imgs/tilesets/mapbox-light.png) | |
Light | |
Google Maps (Roadmap, Terrain, Hybrid)
[Google Maps]( | | |
--- | --- | ---
![Google Roadmap](./resources/imgs/tilesets/google-roadmap.png) | ![Google Terrain](./resources/imgs/tilesets/google-terrain.png) | ![Google Hybrid](./resources/imgs/tilesets/google-hybrid.png)
Roadmap | Terrain | Hybrid
Apple MapKit (Standard, Muted, Satellite, Hybrid)
[Apple MapKit]( | | |
--- | --- | ---
![MapKit Standard](./resources/imgs/tilesets/mapkit-standard.png) | ![MapKit Muted](./resources/imgs/tilesets/mapkit-muted.png) | ![MapKit Satellite](./resources/imgs/tilesets/mapkit-satellite.png)
Standard | Muted | Satellite
![MapKit Hybrid](./resources/imgs/tilesets/mapkit-hybrid.png) | |
Hybrid | |
Here (Day, Day Grey, Day Transit, Reduced, Pedestrian, Terrain, Satellite, Hybrid)
[Here]( | | |
--- | --- | ---
![Here Day](./resources/imgs/tilesets/here-normal-day.png) | ![Here Day Grey](./resources/imgs/tilesets/here-normal-day-grey.png) | ![Here Day Transit](./resources/imgs/tilesets/here-normal-day-transit.png)
Day | Day Grey | Day Transit
![Here Reduced](./resources/imgs/tilesets/here-reduced-day.png) | ![Here Pedestrian](./resources/imgs/tilesets/here-pedestrian-day.png) | ![Here Terrain](./resources/imgs/tilesets/here-terrain-day.png)
Reduced | Pedestrian | Terrain
![Here Satellite](./resources/imgs/tilesets/here-satellite-day.png) | ![Here Hybrid](./resources/imgs/tilesets/here-hybrid-day.png) |
Satellite | Hybrid |
And these geocoding services:
And these geolocation services:
For full documentation visit the
Maps Ether Docs.