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Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes -- March 29, 2021 #191

Closed humbitious closed 2 years ago

humbitious commented 3 years ago

Minutes from the meeting:

Standards team update: Writing of the API spec draft by end of June. Once drafted, TSC and PGB vote to ratify as a project specification. Chet Ensign will run a special majority vote after that to make it a project specification. It will then be eligible as an OASIS Technical Spec. We will then need to get three or more statements of use from organizations that use the spec. PGB will then submit it to the OASIS membership in a 'call for consent'. Then it becomes an official OASIS standard and can then be submitted to ISO.

Outreach meeting: Next meeting convening today.

Tom Lyons presented the first grant proposal: Voting has commenced.

The Chair moved to take SSC meetings to once a month in order to allow more time for members to participate in the expanded list of working groups. This was seconded and there was no dissent. The Chair will conduct a vote by mail with the TSC Members.

A suggestion of increasing maintainer approvals back to 3 was posed but a counter-argument was offered and the suggestion was tabled until a time when we have more maintainers in a month or so.

GoldenBit0 commented 2 years ago

Moved to Baseline shared google drive - TSC folder