ethereum-oasis-op / baseline-roadmap

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Welcome to the baseline-roadmap

The baseline-roadmap repo has been archived as agreed upon by the TSC, Core Devs, and Outreach Teams. Baseline roadmaps will be added as a deliverable in the main repo going forward, with working groups utilizing the corresponding repos and google drives for the tracking of their work.

This repo provides visibility into the baseline protocol activities and expected timelines through epics and issues organized via ZenHub. This repo is linked to the baseline protocol code repo so issues there will show up here as well. If you do not already have the ZenHub plugin for Github, you can find instructions for how to use it here.

Navigating the roadmap

If you click on the Issues tab, you will only see a single list of individual issues. However, if you click on the ZenHub tab, you will get a better view of where those issues fit in relation to each other and when they are expected to be completed.

ZenHub Board

Once in the ZenHub tab, there is a menu on the side panel. Click on the Board view. The issues and epics shown in this view are divided into the following categories:

ZenHub Roadmap

Similary to the Board view, there is a Roadmap view in the side panel. This gives the highest level view of the baseline project. The hierarchy shown here is: Projects --> Epics --> Issues. Projects are simply labels that categorize Epics. The timeline shows estimated start and end dates for each epic. The timeline is not a strict deadline, but more of a guideline so the community knows when to roughly expect new features.