ethereum-optimism / optimism-ts-services

[Optimism] Client-Side Services
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[Optimism] Client-Side Services

Fraud Prover

Environment Variable Required? Default Value Description
L1_WALLET_KEY Yes N/A Private key for an account on Layer 1 (Ethereum) to be used to submit fraud proof transactions.
L2_NODE_WEB3_URL No http://localhost:9545 HTTP endpoint for a Layer 2 (Optimism) Verifier node.
L1_NODE_WEB3_URL No http://localhost:8545 HTTP endpoint for a Layer 1 (Ethereum) node.
RELAY_GAS_LIMIT No 9,000,000 Maximum amount of gas to provide to fraud proof transactions (except for the "transaction execution" step).
RUN_GAS_LIMIT No 9,000,000 Maximum amount of gas to provide to the "transaction execution" step.
POLLING_INTERVAL No 5,000 Time (in milliseconds) to wait while polling for new transactions.
L2_BLOCK_OFFSET No 1 Offset between the CanonicalTransactionChain contract on Layer 1 and the blocks on Layer 2. Currently defaults to 1, but will likely be removed as soon as possible.
L1_BLOCK_FINALITY No 0 Number of Layer 1 blocks to wait before considering a given event.
L1_START_OFFSET No 0 Layer 1 block number to start scanning for transactions from.
FROM_L2_TRANSACTION_INDEX No 0 Layer 2 block number to start scanning for transactions from.

Message Passer

The Message Passer is used to confirm L2 to L1 messages on L1. By default, it will send transactions to L1 when it detects that it needs to. It can also be configured to write data to a Google Sheet so that the transactions can be closely inspected.

To run in spreadsheet mode, the following environment variables are used:

Environment Variable Description
SPREADSHEET_MODE Set this to anything to run in spreadsheet mode
SHEET_ID The ID of the Google Sheet, can be found in the URL
CLIENT_EMAIL A service account email address
CLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY A service account RSA private key

The key and service account can be managed at A Google Sheet must be created with the correct row headers and the SHEET_ID can be pulled from the URL of the Google Sheet.