ethereum / utp

uTorrent transport protocol
MIT License
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A Rust library for the uTorrent transport protocol (uTP).


This library is currently unstable, with known issues. Use at your own discretion.


use std::net::SocketAddr;

use utp_rs::conn::ConnectionConfig;
use utp_rs::socket::UtpSocket;
use utp_rs::udp::AsyncUdpSocket;

fn main() {
    // bind a standard UDP socket. (transport is over a `tokio::net::UdpSocket`.)
    let socket_addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3400));
    let udp_based_socket = UtpSocket::bind(socket_addr).await.unwrap();

    // bind a custom UDP socket. here we assume `CustomSocket` implements `AsyncUdpSocket`.
    let async_udp_socket = CustomSocket::new(..);
    let custom_socket = UtpSocket::with_socket(async_udp_socket).await.unwrap();

    // connect to a remote peer over uTP.
    let remote = SocketAddr::from(..);
    let config = ConnectionConfig::default();
    let mut stream = udp_socket::connect(remote, config).await.unwrap();

    // write data to the remote peer over the stream.
    let data = vec![0xef; 2048];
    let n = stream.write(data.as_slice()).await.unwrap();

    // accept a connection from a remote peer.
    let config = ConnectionConfig::default();
    let stream = udp_socket.accept(config).await;

    // read data from the remote peer until the peer indicates there is no data left to write.
    let mut data = vec![];
    let n = stream.read_to_eof(&mut data).await.unwrap();