ethereumclassic / ECIPs
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This document is a summary of the Ethereum Classic Improvement Proposal (ECIP) process. To view the full description of the ECIP process please read ECIP-1000 which is the formal document generally acknowledged by the Ethereum Classic (ETC) ecosystem, by rough consensus, as the most suitable system to propose new standard changes to the ETC protocol, informational documents, or ECIP process suggestions.

Getting Started

After reading ECIP-1000, fork the repository and add your ECIP to it, using the provided ECIP markdown template. Submit by creating a Pull Request to the Ethereum Classic ECIPs repository.

Types of Participants

As you will see by reading this summary and the other documents suggested above, there are several parties that participate in the life cycle of an ECIP:



  1. Review ECIP-1000.
  2. Fork the repository by clicking "Fork" in the top right.
  3. Add your ECIP to your fork of the repository. There is a ECIP markdown template.
  4. Submit a Pull Request to Ethereum Classic's ECIPs repository.

Format and Numbering

Your first PR should be a first draft of the final ECIP. It must meet the formatting criteria enforced by the build (largely, correct metadata in the header). An editor will manually review the first PR for a new ECIP and assign it a number before merging it. Make sure you include a discussions-to header with the URL to a discussion forum or open GitHub issue where people can discuss the ECIP as a whole.


If your ECIP requires images, the image files should be included in a subdirectory of the assets folder for that ECIP as follow: assets/ecip-X. When linking to an image in the ECIP, use the related links such as ./assets/ecip-X/image.png.


When you believe your ECIP is mature and ready to progress past the draft phase, you should do one of two things:

ECIP Status Terms


See ECIPs website for the complete list of ECIPs.

Process Overview

Ethereum Classic Improvement Proposals (ECIPs), are technical write-ups that describe suggested changes to the Ethereum Classic Protocol. Finalized proposals agreed by core and volunteer client developers, implementers and other users of the Ethereum Classic mainnet are implemented by the core developer team into their respective clients.

Every pull request will be reviewed and discussed by core and volunteer Ethereum Classic developers and any developers on Github willing to contribute their well reasoned opinions. Regardless whether there is general agreement, you are still able to use the information generated in the discussions to create a second draft. This can be done by either updating the pull request or submitting a new pull request. This process may be repeated (See figure 1) until the ETC developer community agrees to add the pull request.

Figure 1: Status Terms and Process

Figure 1: Status Terms and Process

Having an ECIP within the folder of the repository does not make it a formally accepted standard until its status becomes "Final". For an ECIP to become Final it requires the common consent of the ecosystem. Those proposing changes should consider that, ultimately, consent may rest with the consensus of the Ethereum Classic implementers and users.

Discourse Archives

The ECIP Process (and thus, ECIP content) is informed by discourse around it.

Listed below are sovereign archives of discourse pertaining to this ECIPs repository. If you'd like to collect your own archives, a basic tool you can use for reference to collect them can be found at this gist. If you have or regularly collect archives, please feel welcome to add to this list.

ECIPs Historical Background

ECIPs were born out of the Ethereum (or Ethereum Foundation) EIP repository after TheDAO hard fork. At that time no other differences between Ethereum Classic (the original mainnet) and Ethereum existed besides TheDAO hard-fork. Changes have since been added such as the early defusal of the difficulty bomb and a change of the monetary policy to a fixed supply.

Avoiding Network Splits

Pushing changes to the protocol without consensus will cause a network split. The ECIP process should not be skipped, as previously done by Ethereum Foundation developers who unilaterally implemented a rushed hard-fork in the most widely used client, therefore creating a network split at block 1920000.

Decentralized Decision Making

The Ethereum Foundation raised money from the community to work towards the "mission to promote and support research, development and education to bring decentralized protocols", but failed at that goal when, shortly after TheDAO exploit, Vitalik Buterin announced, using the Ethereum Foundation blog, that they had already unilaterally decided to fork. A chat log from an internal chat reveals this decision was made prior to the announcement, and comments like "default behavior of Geth to be pro-fork as per internal discussions" found in DAO hard-fork pull requests, and the unwillingness to use their own proposal system, show that the narrative in which the Ethereum Foundation followed the will of the community was clearly wrong. What the Ethereum foundation did was the opposite of decentralized decision making.


Decentralized decision making is part of the deep security that protects the integrity of the Ethereum Classic blockchain. It is critical for keeping the promise of "applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference."

In other words, please follow the ECIP process!