ethereumclassic / tweets-eth_classic

🟩 Submit tweets to the @eth_classic Twitter account
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@eth_classic Twitter Together

This repo uses the Twitter-Together GitHub Action to allow anyone to make a pull request in order to submit tweets to the @eth_classic Twitter Account.

How to Tweet

Graphical UI

You can now submit tweets via

Manually via Github

  1. Open the tweets folder.
  2. Click "Add file" -> "Create new file".
  3. Enter the contents of the tweet you want to submit.
    • Make sure the content follows the rules.
    • Ensure the formatting matches one of the tweet types.
  4. Make sure the filename is correct ("Name your file...").
    • It must end in .tweet and be inside the tweets folder.
    • It must follow the format YYMMDD-Your-Description.tweet
  5. Click "Propose new file", ensuring you are creating a new branch.
  6. Click "Create pull request"
  7. Your tweet will be reviewed for approval


On Twitter, @eth_classic was the Ethereum Classic community's verified account to which access was lost. With this renewed @eth_classic account, our aim is to empower the community to once again build a Twitter following and reputation that will allow for verified account status in the future. Community members submitting tweet suggestions to @eth_classic should take this into consideration. Suggested tweets should remain professional, relevant and neutral.

In order to be approved, the contents of an eth_classic tweet must adhere to the following rules. If the tweet you wish to submit does not meet these restrictions, check out the @ETC_Network Twitter account. While also a community account, @ETC_Network has a more relaxed set of rules for content and may allow memes and other forms of engagement driving content.

If you have suggestions to amend these rules, please create a new issue in this repository.


All tweets must conform to the Twitter rules and policies found at Additionally;


The @eth_classic account serves to inform it’s followers in an unbiased way about interesting happenings in the Ethereum Classic world. It is a pillar of neutrality, a honey badger that does not care about external drama, and serves to inform others about it’s own situation, protocol updates, and other relevant news.

Tweets from this account should be written from the point of view of the ETC blockchain itself. If a proposed tweet cannot pass a test of "If it had a voice, would the chain itself say..." then that tweet would not be acceptable.

Acceptable topics to Tweet about include but are not limited to:

Third Party Projects


Formatting and Style

Review Process

For maintainers, during the review process;


Examples of Good Tweets (and why)

Coming Soon.

Tweet Types

Simple Tweet

Hello, world!!!

Retweet (with no text)

The URL MUST follow the exact format as below, without any tracking ?ctx= parameters.


Retweet (with text)

The URL MUST follow the exact format as below, without any tracking ?ctx= parameters.




The URL MUST follow the exact format as below, without any tracking ?ctx= parameters.


You forgot about orange!


You must upload the images you want to tweet into the media folder, which you can do by editing updating your PR's branch (open media folder and "Add file" -> "Upload file"). Make sure the filenames match your tweet content.

  - file: cat.jpg
    alt: A cat
  - file: dog.jpg
    alt: A dog

Here are some cute animals!


  - Red
  - Blue
  - Green

What is your favorite color?


Threaded tweets are tweeted in series and separated by ---.

🧵 Here is a thread...

  - Banana
  - Mango

Which fruit is more delicious?

We hope you enjoyed this thread...
We certainly did.
