ethereumproject / mist

Mist browser & wallet
GNU General Public License v3.0
27 stars 22 forks source link

Mist Classic Browser

Mist Classic browser and wallet is a modified version of the Mist client restored to work with the original/classic chain. This client is maintained by the Ethereum Classic Project, the project that does not hardcode exceptions to the premise of unstoppable code. Ethereum Classic Project ensures unstoppable, censorship-resistant applications operating on a neutral world computer.


Project is compatible with ETC, but is not maintained. Mist has some issues with Windows #151 and doesn't have a build for Linux #35. If you're a JS developer with Windows or Linux, please take a look at this issues

NOTICE The project is going to be replaced with Emerald Wallet, which is currently under development.

Join the chat at Build status master branch Build status develop branch

The Mist(classic) browser is the tool of choice to browse and use Ðapps.

For the Mist API see the


If you want install the app from a pre-built version on the release page, you can simply run the executeable after download.

For updating simply download the new version and copy it over the old one (keep a backup of the old one if you want to be sure). The data folder for Mist is stored in other places:


For development, a Meteor server will to be started to assist with live reload and CSS injection. Once a Mist version is released the Meteor frontend part is bundled using meteor-build-client npm package to create pure static files.



To run mist in development you need Node.js NPM and Meteor and electron installed:

$ curl | sh
$ npm install -g electron-prebuilt@1.2.5
$ npm install -g gulp


Now you're ready to install Mist:

$ git clone
$ cd mist
$ git submodule update --init
$ npm install
$ gulp update-nodes

To update Mist in the future, run:

$ cd mist
$ git pull && git submodule update
$ npm install
$ gulp update-nodes

Run Mist

For development we start the interface with a Meteor server for autoreload etc. Start the interface in a separate terminal window:

$ cd mist/interface && meteor

In the original window you can then start Mist with:

$ cd mist
$ electron .

Run the Wallet

Start the wallet app for development, in a separate terminal window:

$ cd mist/interface && meteor

// and in another terminal

$ cd my/path/meteor-dapp-wallet/app && meteor --port 3050

In the original window you can then start Mist using wallet mode:

$ cd mist
$ electron . --mode wallet

Passing options to Geth/Eth

You can pass command-line options directly to Geth/Eth by prefixing them with --node-:

$ electron . --mode mist --node-rpcport 19343 --node-networkid 2

Using Mist with a privatenet

To run a private network you will need to set the networkdid, ipcpath and datadir flags:

$ electron . --ipcpath ~/Library/Ethereum/geth.ipc --node-networkid 1234  --node-datadir ~/Library/Ethereum/privatenet

NOTE: since ipcpath is also a Mist option you do not need to also include a --node-ipcpath option.

You can also run geth separately yourself with the same options prior to start Mist normally.


To create a binaries you need to install the following tools:

// tools for the windows binaries
$ brew install Caskroom/cask/xquartz
$ brew install wine
$ npm install -g meteor-build-client

To generate the binaries simply run:

$ cd mist
$ gulp update-nodes

// to generate mist
$ gulp mist

// Or to generate the wallet (using the -> master)
$ gulp wallet

This will generate the binaries inside the dist_mist or dist_wallet folder.



Additional you can only build the windows, linux or mac binary by using the platform option:

$ gulp update-nodes --platform darwin

// And
$ gulp mist --platform darwin

// Or
$ gulp mist --platform "darwin win32"

Options are:


With the walletSource you can specify the branch to use, default ist master:

$ gulp mist --walletSource develop

Options are:

mist-checksums | wallet-checksums

Spits out the SHA256 checksums of zip files. The zip files need to be generated manually for now! It expects zip files to be named as the generated folders e.g. dist_wallet/

$ gulp mist-checksums

> SHA256 983dc9f1bc14a17a46f1e34d46f1bfdc01dc0868
> SHA256 1f8e56c198545c235d47921888e5ede76ce42dcf
> SHA256 dba5a13d6114b2abf1d4beca8bde25f1869feb45
> SHA256 2104b0fe75109681a70f9bf4e844d83a38796311
> SHA256 fc20b746eb37686edb04aee3e442492956adb546

Code signing for production

After the bundle run:

$ codesign --deep --force --verbose --sign "5F515C07CEB5A1EC3EEB39C100C06A8C5ACAE5F4"


$ codesign --verify -vvvv
$ spctl -a -vvvv