Using Deep Neural Networks for robot navigation purposes:
The repository contains various ROS packages that are used to generate the training data.
In order to start the simulation, the navigation and load the static map, run:
roslaunch stage_worlds shapes.launch deep_motion_planning:=False
You can then start a mission by executing:
rosrun mission_control _mission_file:=src/deep_motion_planning/mission_control/missions/rooms.txt _deep_motion_planner:=False
The parameter <_mission_file> defines the path to the mission definition that you want to execute. The example above assumes that you are in the top folder of your catkin workspace.
Finally, if you want to see a visualization of the system, run:
roslaunch stage_worlds rviz.launch
To start the simulation in combination with the deep motion planner, run:
roslaunch stage_worlds shapes.launch deep_motion_planning:=True
You can then start a mission by executing:
rosrun mission_control _mission_file:=src/deep_motion_planning/mission_control/missions/rooms.txt _deep_motion_planner:=True
The parameter <_mission_file> defines the path to the mission definition that you want to execute. The example above assumes that you are in the top folder of your catkin workspace.
The stage_worlds package contains the configuration files for the simulation, various world definitions and their ROS launch files.
This package contains a mission control node which executes a user defined mission. Therefor, a txt file is parsed and a sequence of commands is generated. This sequence is then processed step-by-step. For more details on the definition of a mission, please refer to the README file in the package directory.
The data_capture node subscribes to a set of topics and writes the time-synchronized messages into a .csv file. Currently, the node records data from a laser scanner, the relative target pose for the navigation and the control commands that are send to the robot.
The package wraps a Tensorflow model for motion planning with a deep neural network. The node loads a pretrained model and computes the control commands for the robot from raw sensor data.
This is not a ROS package, but a independent project to train a Tensorflow model on data that is captured with the data_capture package. The resulting trained model can then be loaded and executed in the deep_motion_planner package