ethz-asl / navrep

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Bug in the simulation #4

Open ANAS355 opened 1 year ago

ANAS355 commented 1 year ago

There is a bug that happens almost always in any randomly generated map which is that the Lidar sensor detect that there is a wall but the robot can pass through the wall easily. In other word the hit-box of the Lidar arrays is different from the the hit-box of the wall which leads to defected data and results. The problem exist in the original code of the repository and no one noticed it even though it exist in almost every map generated (maybe because everyone running it in Reinforcement Learning models in headless mode so no one ever inspected anything manually). I discovered this problem because i made an algorithm to navigate through the environment using path planning and re-planning using A-Star and some times the algorithm find a path through the wall and the robot passes through the wall without colliding (meaning the episode does not reset). I usually saves the episode as a video to inspect the behavior of the algorithm (to improve it) but many times i encountered this issue and then discovered that this bug exist in almost all episodes. And here is a link to some episodes where the bug happened. The link also include some useful statistics if someone want to replicate the episodes. These are just an example there are many more. In order to debug the problem i rendered the collision hit-box and this is what i found. The dark area is the collision hit-box and the lines is the Lidar hit-box.


As you can see almost all the collision hit-boxes does not match the Lidar hit-box however some more than others (especially the ones that are close to the edges of the map) After a lot of debugging i found out that when creating the obstruction it assigns the collision hit-box and Lidar hit-box. Then when merging them with the map it checks if a part of the obstruction is outside the map so that it cuts the part that is outside the map from the obstruction without updating the new vertices of the Lidar hit-box which leads to the bug. The solution to is bug is the following: In navrepvenv\lib\python3.6\site-packages\crowd_sim\envs\ In the method generate_static_map_input() In the last part of the method replace the following for loop:

        for obstacle_num, obstacle in enumerate(obstacles):
            if obstacle.location_x > obstacle.dim[0] / 2.0 and \
                obstacle.location_x < grid_size - obstacle.dim[0] / 2.0 and \
                obstacle.location_y > obstacle.dim[1] / 2.0 and \
                obstacle.location_y < grid_size - obstacle.dim[1] / 2.0:

                start_idx_x = int(
                        obstacle.location_x -
                        obstacle.dim[0] /
                start_idx_y = int(
                        obstacle.location_y -
                        obstacle.dim[1] /
      [start_idx_x:start_idx_x +
                         obstacle.dim[0], start_idx_y:start_idx_y +
                         obstacle.dim[1]] = np.minimum([start_idx_x:start_idx_x +
                                                                obstacle.dim[0], start_idx_y:start_idx_y +
                                                                obstacle.dim[1]], obstacle.patch)
                x_test = []
                y_test = []
                for idx_x in range(obstacle.dim[0]):
                    for idx_y in range(obstacle.dim[1]):
                        shifted_idx_x = idx_x - obstacle.dim[0] / 2.0
                        shifted_idx_y = idx_y - obstacle.dim[1] / 2.0
                        submap_x = int(
                                obstacle.location_x +
                        submap_y = int(
                                obstacle.location_y +
                        if submap_x > 0 and submap_x < grid_size and submap_y > 0 and submap_y < grid_size:
                            #self.test_obs.append([submap_x, submap_y])
                                     submap_y] = obstacle.patch[idx_x, idx_y]

with the following updated one (where we update the vertices of the Lidar hit-box)

        self.test_obs = []                                                       
        for obstacle_num, obstacle in enumerate(obstacles):
            if obstacle.location_x > obstacle.dim[0] / 2.0 and \
                obstacle.location_x < grid_size - obstacle.dim[0] / 2.0 and \
                obstacle.location_y > obstacle.dim[1] / 2.0 and \
                obstacle.location_y < grid_size - obstacle.dim[1] / 2.0:

                start_idx_x = int(
                        obstacle.location_x -
                        obstacle.dim[0] /
                start_idx_y = int(
                        obstacle.location_y -
                        obstacle.dim[1] /
      [start_idx_x:start_idx_x +
                         obstacle.dim[0], start_idx_y:start_idx_y +
                         obstacle.dim[1]] = np.minimum([start_idx_x:start_idx_x +
                                                                obstacle.dim[0], start_idx_y:start_idx_y +
                                                                obstacle.dim[1]], obstacle.patch)
                # Here we save the vertices
                self.test_obs.append([range(start_idx_x, start_idx_x + obstacle.dim[0]), range(start_idx_y, start_idx_y + obstacle.dim[1])])

                x_test = []
                y_test = []
                for idx_x in range(obstacle.dim[0]):
                    for idx_y in range(obstacle.dim[1]):
                        shifted_idx_x = idx_x - obstacle.dim[0] / 2.0
                        shifted_idx_y = idx_y - obstacle.dim[1] / 2.0
                        submap_x = int(
                                obstacle.location_x +
                        submap_y = int(
                                obstacle.location_y +
                        if submap_x > 0 and submap_x < grid_size and submap_y > 0 and submap_y < grid_size:
                            #self.test_obs.append([submap_x, submap_y])
                                     submap_y] = obstacle.patch[idx_x, idx_y]
                # Here we save the vertices
                self.test_obs.append([x_test, y_test])
            # Here where we update the vertices 
            obs = self.test_obs[obstacle_num].copy()
            self.obstacle_vertices[obstacle_num] = [((obs[0][-1] - grid_size/2)/10, (obs[1][0] - grid_size/2)/10),
                                                    ((obs[0][0] - grid_size/2)/10, (obs[1][0] - grid_size/2)/10),
                                                    ((obs[0][0] - grid_size/2)/10, (obs[1][-1] - grid_size/2)/10),
                                                    ((obs[0][-1] - grid_size/2)/10, (obs[1][-1] - grid_size/2)/10)]

And This is the result for the same episode shown above after fixing the problem. As we can see the vertices of the Lidar hit-box is updated to match the collision hit-box.


(Additional Info) If you want to render the hit-boxes as in the images above do the following. After fixing the problem we have an attribute of the soadrl_sim self.test_obs In navrepvenv\lib\python3.6\site-packages\navrep\envs\ In the render() method add this (somewhere in the middle)

def render()
 # hitbox
                for obs in self.soadrl_sim.test_obs:
                    gl.glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 0.3)
                    gl.glVertex3f((obs[0][-1] - self.grid_size/2)/10, (obs[1][0] - self.grid_size/2)/10, 0)
                    gl.glVertex3f((obs[0][0] - self.grid_size/2)/10, (obs[1][0] - self.grid_size/2)/10, 0)
                    gl.glVertex3f((obs[0][0] - self.grid_size/2)/10, (obs[1][-1] - self.grid_size/2)/10, 0)
                    gl.glVertex3f((obs[0][-1] - self.grid_size/2)/10, (obs[1][-1] - self.grid_size/2)/10, 0)

If you want to save a video of the simulation you need to do the following:

In navrepvenv\lib\python3.6\site-packages\navrep\envs\ In the reset() method add this at the end (just before the return)

def reset():
    ... = []
    return ...

And in the the last part of the render method add this

def render:
frame = np.asarray(pyglet.image.get_buffer_manager().get_color_buffer().get_image_data().get_data()).reshape((WINDOW_W, WINDOW_H, 4))[::-1]
                #Image.fromarray(frame, 'RGBA').save("finally.png")
   return ...

Now that we have the environment attribute contains all the frames but it needs to be exported. Here is the function that exports it to mp4 format. Just put it somewhere and give it the environment attribute and environment fps (so that the video will be real time fps=1/self._get_dt()) and the directory where the video will be saved.

def make_video(frames_array, fps, save_file):
        import cv2
        print(f"saving video to {save_file} ...")
        hieght = frames_array[0].shape[0]
        width = frames_array[0].shape[1]
        channel = frames_array[0].shape[2]
        fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v')
        video = cv2.VideoWriter(save_file, fourcc, float(fps), (width, hieght))
        for frame in frames_array:
            video.write(frame[:, :, 2::-1])
        print("done saving video")

And I hope this was helpful. Best Regards

ANAS355 commented 1 year ago

Please don't close the issue until you update the code in the repository.

CAI23sbP commented 4 months ago

@ANAS355 Thank you for your information. may i get your a-star code?

ANAS355 commented 4 months ago

@CAI23sbP certainly here is the code class with an example. with the right configurations you can make any map. The code will save Astar progress to an image file Astar-porosess.png so that you can watch the algorithm working in real time. When Astar finishes the final result will be saved in file Astar-result.jpg. You only need to install:

pip install numpy
pip install pillow
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

class Map:

    def __init__(self, map: np.array = np.array([]), nieghbours: dict = {},  step: float = 0.1, ep: float = 0.1): = map
        self.step = step
        self.ep = ep
        self.nieghbours = nieghbours

    def copy(self):
        return Map(, self.nieghbours.copy(), self.step)

    def initialize_nieghbours(self):
        self.nieghbours = {f"{i},{j}": 
                            {"locations": self.get_neighbours(i, j)[:, :2], 
                             "distances": np.array([np.sqrt((i*self.step-niegbour[0])**2 + (j*self.step-niegbour[1])**2) for niegbour in self.get_neighbours(i, j)])} 
                            for i in range([1]) for j in range([0])}
        return self

    def convert_np_bit_map(self, np_bit_map): = np.array([[[ round(i*self.step, 1), round(j*self.step, 1),     # 0, 1 = x, y
                                0,                                      # 2 = travel factor
                                0,                                      # 3 = g_cost
                                0,                                      # 4 = h_cost
                                0,                                      # 5 = f_cost
                                0,                                      # 6 = (0 = not in any list, 1 = in open list, 2 = in closed list)
                                0, 0,                                   # 7, 8 = parent_x, parent_y
                                0, 0, 0,                                # 9, 10, 11 = R, G, B
                              if np_bit_map[i][j] == 0 else
                              [ round(i*self.step, 1), round(j*self.step, 1),     # 0, 1 = x, y
                                1,                                      # 2 = travel factor
                                0,                                      # 3 = g_cost
                                0,                                      # 4 = h_cost
                                0,                                      # 5 = f_cost
                                0,                                      # 6 = (0 = not in any list, 1 = in open list, 2 = in closed list)
                                0, 0,                                   # 7, 8 = parent_x, parent_y
                                255, 255, 255,                          # 9, 10, 11  = R, G, B
                              for i in range(np_bit_map.shape[1])] for j in range(np_bit_map.shape[0])])   
        return self

    def get_block_ranges(self, config):
        return np.array([[
                        [item["BR"]["x"][0] + item["current"][0],
                            item["BR"]["x"][1] + item["current"][0]],
                        [item["BR"]["y"][0] + item["current"][1],
                            item["BR"]["y"][1] + item["current"][1]]
                        ] for item in config["prims"].values()])

    def generate_map(self, config):
        block_ranges = self.get_block_ranges(config=config)
        raws = int(
            round(np.divide(config["length"], self.step)))
        columns = int(
            round(np.divide(config["width"], self.step))) = np.array([[[ round(i*self.step, 2), round(j*self.step, 2),     # 0, 1 = x, y
                                0,                                      # 2 = travel factor
                                0,                                      # 3 = g_cost
                                0,                                      # 4 = h_cost
                                0,                                      # 5 = f_cost
                                0,                                      # 6 = (0 = not in any list, 1 = in open list, 2 = in closed list)
                                0, 0,                                   # 7, 8 = parent_x, parent_y
                                0, 0, 0,                                # 9, 10, 11 = R, G, B
                              if np.any(np.multiply(np.multiply(block_ranges[:, 0, 0] <= i*self.step,  i*self.step <= block_ranges[:, 0, 1]), np.multiply(block_ranges[:, 1, 0] <= j*self.step,  j*self.step <= block_ranges[:, 1, 1])))
                              else [round(i*self.step, 2), round(j*self.step, 2),     # 0, 1 = x, y
                                    1,                                      # 2 = travel factor
                                    0,                                      # 3 = g_cost
                                    0,                                      # 4 = h_cost
                                    0,                                      # 5 = f_cost
                                    0,                                      # 6 = (0 = not in any list, 1 = in open list, 2 = in closed list)
                                    0, 0,                                   # 7, 8 = parent_x, parent_y
                                    255, 255, 255,                          # 9, 10, 11 = R, G, B
                              for i in range(columns)] for j in range(raws)])
        return self

    def get_tile(self, x, y):
        y = round(y/self.step)
        x = round(x/self.step)
        return[min(max(y, 0),[0] - 1)][min(max(x, 0),[1] - 1)]

    def draw_path(self, path, color=(0, 0, 255)):
        for i in range(path.shape[0]):
            point = path[i]
            self.get_tile(point[0], point[1])[9:12] = color

    def add_stroke(self, stroke):
        y =
        if stroke == 0:
        edge_circles = []
        corner_circles = []
        for i in range([0]):
            for j in range([1]):
                if y[i, j, 2] == 0:
                    if (y[i-stroke if i-stroke >= 0 else 0:i+stroke+1 if i+stroke+1 <[0] else[0],
                          j-stroke if j-stroke >= 0 else 0:j+stroke+1 if j+stroke+1 <[1] else[1], 2] == 0).all():
                    up = y[i-1 if i-1 >=0 else 0, j, 2] == 0
                    down = y[i+1 if i+1 <[0] else[0]-1, j, 2] == 0
                    left = y[i, j-1 if j-1 >=0 else 0, 2] == 0
                    right = y[i, j+1 if j+1 <[1] else[1]-1, 2] == 0
                    # corners
                    if  ((up and left) and not (down or right)) or ((up and right) and not (down or left)) or ((down and left) and not (up or right)) or ((down and right) and not (up or left)):
                        corner_circles.append([j*self.step, i*self.step])
                    # edges
                    if  ((up and left) and not (down and right)) or ((up and right) and not (down and left)) or ((down and left) and not (up and right)) or ((down and right) and not (up and left)):
                        edge_circles.append([j*self.step, i*self.step])
        self.add_circles(np.array(edge_circles), ((stroke )*self.step), 0)
        self.add_circles(np.array(corner_circles), ((stroke + 2.5)*self.step), 0)

    def add_circles(self, circles, r, c):
        tiles = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(np.array([self.get_tile(circles[i, 0], circles[i, 1]) for i in range(len(circles))]), axis=2), axis=3)    
        d = np.sqrt(np.add(np.power((tiles[:, 0] -[:, :, 0]), 2), np.power((tiles[:, 1] -[:, :, 1]), 2)))
        f = np.min(np.where(d < r, (d/r)*c, 1), axis=0)[:, :, 2] = np.minimum(f,[:, :, 2])[:, :, 9:12] = np.minimum(np.expand_dims(np.multiply(np.expand_dims(np.array([255]), axis=1), f), axis=2),[:, :, 8:11])

    def add_ellipses(self, ellipses, p, m, c):
        tiles = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(np.array([[self.get_tile(ellipses[i, 0, 0], ellipses[i, 0, 1]), self.get_tile(ellipses[i, 1, 0], ellipses[i, 1, 1])] for i in range(len(ellipses))]), axis=3), axis=4)
        r = p + m*np.sqrt(np.power((tiles[:,0,0] - tiles[:,1,0]), 2) + np.power((tiles[:,0,1] - tiles[:,1,1]), 2))      
        d = np.sqrt(np.add(np.power((tiles[:,0,0] -[:, :, 0]), 2), np.power((tiles[:,0,1] -[:, :, 1]), 2))) + np.sqrt(np.add(np.power((tiles[:,1,0]) -[:, :, 0], 2), np.power((tiles[:,1,1] -[:, :, 1]), 2)))
        f = np.min(np.where(d < r, (d/r)*c, 1), axis=0)[:, :, 2] = np.minimum(f,[:, :, 2])[:, :, 8:11] = np.minimum(np.expand_dims(np.multiply(np.array([255]), f), axis=2),[:, :, 8:11])

    def get_distance(self, o, d):
        return np.sqrt((o[0]-d[0])**2 + (o[1]-d[1])**2)

    def get_neighbours(self, x, y):
        return np.array([[i][j] for i in range(max(y-1, 0), min(max(y+2, 2), len( for j in range(max(x-1, 0), min(max(x+2, 2), len([0])))], dtype="float32")

    def to_image(self):
        return Image.fromarray([:,:,9:12].astype(dtype=np.uint8), 'RGB')

    def aStar(self, start, target, max_steps=None, pref_path=[]):[:, :, 3:7] = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0])

        if len(pref_path) > 0:
            path = np.around(np.divide(pref_path, self.step)).astype("int32")
  [path[:, 1], path[:, 0], 2] += 0.005

        def retracePath(c):  # traceback the path
            print("retracing path")
            c = self.get_tile(c[0], c[1])
            path = [[c[0], c[1]]]
            parent = self.get_tile(c[7], c[8])  # getting its parent

            if (c[:2] == start[:2]).all():
                return path
            while not np.all(parent == start):  # looping until we reach the start tile
                parent = self.get_tile(c[7], c[8]) # getting the parent for the loop
                c = parent  # the parent tile is now the current
                path.insert(0, [c[0], c[1]])
            return np.array(path)  # returning the final path

        count = 0  # starting a count to know how many steps the A-Star preformed
        open_color = np.array([255, 0, 0]) # the color for the open tiles
        closed_color = np.array([0, 255, 0])  # the color for the closed tiles
        start = self.get_tile(start[0], start[1]) # getting the start tile from the self
        target = self.get_tile(target[0], target[1]) # gettng the target tile from the map

        if start[0] == target[0] and start[1] == target[1]:
            print("A-Start steps preformed:", count)
            return np.array([[target[0], target[1]]]), count, "start is target"

        start[6] = 1 # adding the starting tile to the open list
        print("starting A-star loop")
        while len([np.where([:, :, 6] == 1)]):  # looping if there are tiles in the open list
            count += 1  # incrementing the step counter
            if max_steps != None and count > max_steps:
                print("A-Star max steps reached approximating path")
                start[6] = 0
                points =[np.where([:, :, 6] == 2)]
                #d_target = np.sqrt(np.power(target[0] - points[:,0], 2) + np.power(target[1] - points[:, 1], 2))
                if len(pref_path) == 0:
                    new_target = np.argmin(points[:, 4])
                    f = np.min(np.sqrt(np.power(np.expand_dims(points[:, 0], axis=1) - pref_path[:, 0], 2) + np.power(np.expand_dims(points[:, 1], axis=1) - pref_path[:, 1], 2)), axis=1)
                    new_target = np.argmin(points[:, 4] + f)

                print("A-Start steps preformed:", count)
                path = retracePath(points[new_target])
                return path, count, "approximated"

            open_list =[np.where([:, :, 6] == 1)]
            current_index = np.argmin(open_list[:, 5]) # getting the tile with the least f_cost
            current = self.get_tile(open_list[current_index][0], open_list[current_index][1])
            current[6] = 2
            current[9:12] = closed_color
            if np.all(current[:2] == target[:2]): # checking if current_x, current_y == target_x, target_y
                print("A-Start steps preformed:", count) # printing the steps needed for A-Star
                path = retracePath(current)
                    print("cound not save image")
                return path, count, "accurate" # returning the path obtained by A-Star

            # looping over the neighbours of the current tile
            nieghbours = self.nieghbours[f"{round(current[0]/self.step)},{round(current[1]/self.step)}"]
            for tile_index in range(len(nieghbours["locations"])):
                tile = self.get_tile(nieghbours["locations"][tile_index][0], nieghbours["locations"][tile_index][1])
                is_in_open_list = True if tile[6] == 1 else False
                is_in_closed_list = True if tile[6] == 2 else False

                if tile[2] > 0 and not is_in_closed_list: # checking if the tile is blocked totaly or already in closed list                  
                    cost_to_neighbour = (current[3] + nieghbours["distances"][tile_index])/max(tile[2], 0.001)  # getting cost for neigbour

                    if not is_in_open_list or cost_to_neighbour < tile[3]: # checking if the tile is not in open list or has lower g_cost
                        tile[3] = cost_to_neighbour # assigning the g_cost of the tile 
                        tile[7:9] = np.array([current[0], current[1]]) # assigning the parent of the tile as the current

                    if not is_in_open_list: # checking if the tile is not in the open list
                        tile[4] = self.get_distance(tile, target) # getting its h_cost
                        tile[9:12] = open_color  # giving it the open color
                        tile[6] = 1  # adding it to the open list

                    tile[5] = tile[3] + tile[4]

            if count%100 == 0:
                    print("cound not save image")

        # maybe for error or the target tile is blocked
        print("A-Star can't find path approximating path")
        start[6] = 0
        points =[np.where([:, :, 6] == 2)]
        #d_target = np.sqrt(np.power(target[0] - points[:,0], 2) + np.power(target[1] - points[:, 1], 2))
            if len(pref_path) == 0:
                new_target = np.argmin(points[:, 4])
                f = np.min(np.sqrt(np.power(np.expand_dims(points[:, 0], axis=1) - pref_path[:, 0], 2) + np.power(np.expand_dims(points[:, 1], axis=1) - pref_path[:, 1], 2)), axis=1)
                new_target = np.argmin(points[:, 4] + f)
            print("A-Start steps preformed:", count)
            path = retracePath(points[new_target])
            return path, count, "approximated"
            return np.array([]), count, "error"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    map = Map()
    map.generate_map({"length": 25, "width": 25, "prims": {
        "1": {"current": [10, 10], "BR": {"x": [-2, 3], "y": [-1, 3]}},
        "2": {"current": [9, 7], "BR": {"x": [-1, 3], "y": [-3, 4]}},
        "3": {"current": [13, 17], "BR": {"x": [-1, 2], "y": [-2, 3]}},
        "4": {"current": [7, 17], "BR": {"x": [-1, 3], "y": [-2, 3]}},
        "5": {"current": [17, 7], "BR": {"x": [-1, 2], "y": [-1, 3]}},
    path, count, message = map.aStar([0, 0], [99, 99])
    print(f"Path: {path}\nCount: {count}\nMessage: {message}")
CAI23sbP commented 4 months ago

@ANAS355 thank you for your sharing!

danieldugas commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the catch! I still haven't had the time to look more deeply into this, the main issue being that this bug is not in the navrep repository code, but in the external SOADRL dependency. Luckily the impact is minor, which means I'd like to be cautious in implementing the fix to avoid side-effects.