ethz-asl / navrep

MIT License
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New 24/11/20: we compared the Guldenring et al. pretrained models (IROS 2020), see here.



This is the official repository for the NavRep paper. it contains:


Daniel Dugas, Juan Nieto, Roland Siegwart and Jen Jen Chung, NavRep: Unsupervised Representations for Reinforcement Learning of Robot Navigation in Dynamic Human Environments, Pending review, 2020 - pdf


Python 3.6

For example, on Ubuntu 20

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y python3.6 python3.6-dev
sudo apt-get install -y virtualenv python3-virtualenv

We recommend creating a virtualenv:

virtualenv ~/navrepvenv --python=python3.6
source ~/navrepvenv/bin/activate


pip install --extra-index-url rospy rosbag tf tf2_ros

specific versions of Keras, gym (later versions cause errors with some user-facing scripts)

pip install gym==0.15.7 keras==2.3.1


Installing navrep is as simple as

pip install navrep

Try it!

python -m navrep.envs.navreptrainenv

Press w, a, s, d to move around, shift to speed up the simulation.


NavRep training environment


NavRep testing environment

testenv1 testenv2 testenv3





crowdmoveenv2 crowdmoveenv3 crowdmoveenv4 crowdmoveenv5 crowdmoveenv6

Pfeiffer et al.

markenv1 markenv2

Reproducing NavRep

The following is an example of how to reproduce the results in the NavRep paper. It is a subset of the full procedure, which can be found in the file.

make a V dataset

python -m navrep.scripts.make_vae_dataset --environment navreptrain --render

(remove --render argument to speed up data generation)

train V

python -m navrep.scripts.train_vae --environment navreptrain

train M

python -m navrep.scripts.make_rnn_dataset --environment navreptrain
python -m navrep.scripts.train_rnn --environment navreptrain

Play encoded environment

python -m navrep.scripts.play_navreptrainencodedenv --backend VAE_LSTM --encoding V_ONLY

Play dream environment

Train C

python -m navrep.scripts.train_gym_navreptrainencodedenv --backend VAE_LSTM --encoding V_ONLY

Test C

python -m navrep.scripts.cross_test_navreptrain_in_ianenv --backend VAE_LSTM --encoding V_ONLY --render


Run in ROS node

roslaunch launch/sim_and_navrep.launch

Using NavRep with your own models / environments

Pre-trained NavRep models


all models shown in the paper are available here.

Copy the models from the V, M (modular archs) W (joint and transformer archs) and gym (C module) folders to your home directory according to the following structure:

  └── models
      ├── gym
      ├── M
      └── V

run the following, and the models inside the ~/navrep directory will be tested in the navrep test environment:

python -m navrep.scripts.cross_test_navreptrain_in_ianenv --backend VAE_LSTM --encoding V_ONLY --render




Tested NavRep training regimes

Environments Modular V, M Joint V+M Transformer V+M
NavRep train :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
NavRep test :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
SOADRL :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
Pfeiffer :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark: :heavy_check_mark:
CrowdMove :heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_minus_sign:


This library was written primarily by Daniel Dugas. The transformer block codes, and vae/lstm code were taken or heavily derived from world models and karpathy's mingpt. We've retained the copyright headers for the relevant files.