etiennedemoulin / midi-mixer

Map a midi controller and communicate with OSC, Midi and Max
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Map your midi controller
Utility to map send and receive objects with a MIDI controller. A json file is used to configure the object.
Support multiple pages, screen, fader touch and diffrent fader mappings are integrated.


Download from release
Unzip the package and copy the resulting directory in ~/Documents/Max 8/Library
Run xattr -d -r "~/Documents/Max 8/Library/midi-mixer"

Midi support

The MIDI part of the software use the Mackie-Control protocol, compatible with plenty of MIDI device (BCF2000, XTouch, Asparion D400, Avid S1, etc..)
Please set up your midi device in Mackie-Control mode before using the software.

Storing presets

There is a folder to retrieve presets in midi-mixer/javascript/midi-config
Nevertheless, instanciating a midi-mixer object with a config filename will link your config file, stored next to your patch.

Compiling from sources

Clone the repo, simply npm install && npm run build into midi-mixer/javascript folder.

Running outside of Max

cd midi-mixer/javascript and npm run dev

Using it with other music software with OSC (puredata, supercollider)

Follow the Running outside of Max section
Create an OSC Server from your software on
Create an OSC Client listening on port 3333.
Send values : /track/[channel]/fader/[type] value
Link config file : /config/filename /Users/toto/Desktop/myconfig.json
Change MidiIN/OUT device : /config/port "IAC Driver Bus 1"
Change Mapping : /config/controller mackie

You'll receive the following infos from the server:
a track is created /track/create channel
a track is removed /track/remove channel
a track has a name /track/[channel]/name name
Receive values /track/[channel]/fader/[type] value
Server is ready /ready
Exiting server /exit
