etrulls / unet-service

Remote U-Net service for Ilastik
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Remote U-Net service for Ilastik

This repository contains the a module wrapping pre-trained U-Net models written in Pytorch, allowing them to be used as an external service for Ilastik. This component can be called from Ilastik with the remote server plug-in, currently available here, which interfaces with the remote server, which in turns calls this service. This work has been developed by the Computer Vision lab at EPFL within the context of the Human Brain Project.

This repository is designed to be placed or symlinked inside the remote server folder. A (possibly overtuned) list of requirements is given in reqs.txt, for reference.

Pre-trained models for HBP datasets are too large to be uploaded to Github: they are available here; just unzip the tarball inside this folder.
