eu-digital-identity-wallet / eudi-lib-ios-wallet-kit

This repository contains the EUDI Wallet Kit library for iOS. The library is a part of the EUDI Wallet Reference Implementation project.
Apache License 2.0
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18013-5 openid4vp walllet

EUDI Wallet Kit library for iOS

:heavy_exclamation_mark: Important! Before you proceed, please read the EUDI Wallet Reference Implementation project description

EUDI ISO iOS Wallet Kit library

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This repository contains the EUDI Wallet Kit library for iOS. The library is a part of the EUDI Wallet Reference Implementation project.

This library acts as a coordinator by orchestrating the various components that are required to implement the EUDI Wallet functionality. On top of that, it provides a simplified API that can be used by the application to implement the EUDI Wallet functionality.

graph TD;
    B[eudi-lib-ios-wallet-storage] -->  |Wallet Storage|A 
    C[eudi-lib-ios-iso18013-data-transfer] --> |Transfer Manager|A 
    D[eudi-lib-ios-openid4vci-swift] --> |OpenId4Vci Manager|A 
    E[eudi-lib-ios-siop-openid4vp-swift] --> |OpenId4Vp Manager|A 
    F[eudi-lib-ios-iso18013-security] --> |Mdoc Security|C 
    G[eudi-lib-ios-iso18013-data-model] --> |Mdoc Data Model|C 
    H[eudi-lib-ios-presentation-exchange-swift] --> E 

The library provides the following functionality:

The library is written in Swift and is compatible with iOS 14 or higher. It is distributed as a Swift package and can be included in any iOS project.

It is based on the following specifications:


To use EUDI Wallet Kit, add the following dependency to your Package.swift:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.2.0"))

Then add the Eudi Wallet package to your target's dependencies:

dependencies: [
    .product(name: "EudiWalletKit", package: "eudi-lib-ios-wallet-kit"),


The EudiWallet class provides a unified API for the two user attestation presentation flows. It is initialized with a document storage manager instance. For SwiftUI apps, the wallet instance can be added as an environmentObject to be accessible from all views. A KeyChain implementation of document storage is available.

let wallet = EudiWallet.standard
wallet.userAuthenticationRequired = true
wallet.trustedReaderCertificates = [...] // array of der certificate data
wallet.openId4VpVerifierApiUri = "https:// ... verifier api uri ..."

Storage Manager

The read-only property storage is an instance of a StorageManager Currently the keychain implementation is used. It provides document management functionality using the iOS KeyChain.

The storage model provides the following models for the supported well-known document types:

DocType Model EuPidModel
org.iso.18013.5.1.mDL IsoMdlModel

For other document types the GenericMdocModel is provided.

Presentation Service

The presentation service protocol abstracts the presentation flow. The BlePresentationService and OpenId4VpService classes implement the proximity and remote presentation flows respectively. The PresentationSession class is used to wrap the presentation service and provide @Published properties for SwiftUI screens. The following example code demonstrates the initialization of a SwiftUI view with a new presentation session of a selected flow type.

let session = eudiWallet.beginPresentation(flow: flow)
// pass the session to a SwiftUI view
ShareView(presentationSession: session)

On view appearance the attestations are presented with the receiveRequest method. For the BLE (proximity) case the deviceEngagement property is populated with the QR code to be displayed on the holder device.

.task {
     if presentationSession.flow.isProximity { await presentationSession.startQrEngagement() }
     _ = await presentationSession.receiveRequest()

After the request is received the presentationSession.disclosedDocuments contains the requested attested items. The selected state of the items can be modified via UI binding. Finally, the response is sent with the following code:

// Send the disclosed document items after biometric authentication (FaceID or TouchID)
// if the user cancels biometric authentication, onCancel method is called
 await presentationSession.sendResponse(userAccepted: true,
  itemsToSend: presentationSession.disclosedDocuments.items, onCancel: { dismiss() }, onSuccess: {
            if let url = $0 { presentSafariView(url) }

Issue document using OpenID4VCI

The library provides the functionality to issue documents using OpenID4VCI. To issue a document using this functionality, EudiWallet must be property initialized. To issue a document using OpenID4VCI, you need to know the document's docType. If userAuthenticationRequired is true, user authentication is required. The authentication prompt message has localisation key "issue_document".

wallet.openID4VciIssuerUrl = "" 
wallet.openID4VciClientId = "wallet-dev"
wallet.openID4VciRedirectUri = "eudi-openid4ci://authorize/" 
do {
  let doc = try await userWallet.issueDocument(docType: EuPidModel.euPidDocType, format: .cbor)
  // document has been added to wallet storage, you can display it
catch {
  // display error


Detailed documentation is provided here


The detailed functionality of the wallet kit is implemented in the following Swift Packages: MdocDataModel18013, MdocSecurity18013, MdocDataTransfer18013 and SiopOpenID4VP OpenID4VCI

Sample application

A sample application that demonstrates the usage of this library is App Wallet UI.


The released software is a initial development release version:

License details

Copyright (c) 2023 European Commission

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.