eudoxia0 / cmacro

Lisp macros for C
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cmacro: Lisp macros for C

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For a collection of useful macros, see the associated Magma project


Macros are written directly in the source, and the cmc program is used to process a file with macros to a macroexpanded file.

cmc code_with_macros.c -o macroexpanded_code.c


If you're running Arch or a similarly bleeding-edge distro, just install sbcl from Pacman and skip to step 5. Otherwise, you need to manually download the latest SBCL[1].

  1. Download SBCL
  2. Unpack it, for example, through bzip2 -cd sbcl-1.1.17-x86-linux-binary.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -
  3. Install git, curl and flex through your favorite package manager.
  4. Build SBCL: cd <sbcl dir>; sudo sh
  5. Build cmacro: make, sudo make install

[1]: Buildapp doesn't work on older versions of SBCL, and it is required to build the executable.


A macro is a function that operates on your code's abstract syntax tree rather than values. Macros in cmacro have nothing to do with the C preprocessor except they happen at compile time, and have no knowledge of run-time values.

In cmacro, a macro maps patterns in the code to templates. A macro may have multiple cases, each matching multiple patterns, but each producing code through the same template.

Macros are not primarily about safety and performance: They are about the programmer. Macros give you automation, plain and simple. They allow you to abstract away and remove repetition in places where a functional or object-oriented approach can't. For example, Common Lisp's WITH-OPEN-FILE macro helps with the common pattern of 'acquire a resource, apply something to it, and close it'. While this can be done in languages that support (And have simple syntax for) anonymous functions, macros help reduce this syntactic overhead.

cmacro has a very lenient notion of C syntax, which means you can write macros to implement DSLs with any syntax you like. You could implement Lisp-like prefix notation, or a DSL for routing URLs, or the decorator pattern, for example.

For a very simple example, this macro matches anything of the form `unless

`, where `` is any arbitrary expression, and performs a simple transformation: ```c macro unless { case { match { $(cond) } template { if(!$(cond)) } } } ``` With this definition, code like `unless(buffer.empty)` becomes `if(!(buffer.empty))`. A more complicated macro can match multiple patterns, like the `route` macro which implements a DSL for defining routes in a hypothetical C web framework. ```c macro route { /* Route all requests to 'url' to 'route'. Optionally discriminate by HTTP method (GET by default). */ case { match { $(url) => $(route) } template { register_route($(url), $(route), HTTP_GET); } } case { match { $(url) [$(method)] => $(route) } template { register_route($(url), $(route), $(method)); } } } // Usage with the lambda macro (See below) route "/profile/" => lambda(Req* request) -> Resp { return Authenticate(request.user); } ``` # Why? Because a language without macros is a tool: You write applications with it. A language with macros is building material: You shape it and grow it *into* your application. There is a sweet spot between low-level performance and control and high-level metaprogramming that is not yet occupied by any language: Metaprogramming, being an inherently compile-time thing, can be done in the absence of automatic memory management or dynamic typing. [Rust]( seems to want to fill this spot, and I also approached this problem with [Corvus](, but I feel this approach of adding metaprogramming to C - A simple language, with a long history, that runs truly everywhere - can become useful. # Examples ## `lambda` ```c macro lambda { case { match { $(args) -> $(ret) $(body) } template { $(@getsym lambda 0) } toplevel { $(ret) $(@gensym lambda) $(args) $(body) } } } ``` Usage: ```c /* Input */ fn = lambda (int x, int y) -> int { return x + y; }; /* After macroexpansion */ int cmacro_lambda_0(int x, int y) { return x + y; } fn = cmacro_lambda_0; ``` A more complicated example, using the `qsort` function: ```c int main() { int array[] = {423, 61, 957, 133, 969, 829, 821, 390, 704, 596}; qsort(array, 10, sizeof(int), lambda (const void* a, const void* b) -> int { return *(int*)a - *(int*)b; }); for(size_t i = 0; i < 10; i++){ printf("%i ", array[i]); } return 0; } ``` ## Anaphoric `if` This stores the result of the condition in the variable `it`. See [Anaphora]( for a collection of similar anaphoric macros. ```c macro aif { case { match { $(cond) } template { typeof($(cond)) it = $(cond); if(it) } } } ``` Usage: ```c /* Input*/ aif(get_buffer(a,b,c)) { write_string(it, text); } /* After macroexpansion */ typeof(get_buffer(a,b,c)) it = get_buffer(a,b,c); if(it) { write_string(it, text); } ``` ## `forEach` ```c macro forEach { case { match { ($(item), $(collection)) $(body) } template { { size_t index; typeof($(collection)[0]) $(item); for(index = 0, item = nth($(collection), 0); index < length($(collection)); index++) $(body) } } } } ``` # Variables The syntax for variables is just a name followed by an optional, space-separated list of *qualifiers*, enclosed in the `$()` operator, eg: `$(var)`, `$(body ident)`, `$(arg const)`. ## Qualifiers - None: The variable matches any expression. - `rest`: Match multiple expressions (Like C's `...`). - `ident`: Matches Identifiers. - `int`: Integers. - `float`: Floats. - `num`: Integers and floats. - `string`: String literals. - `const`: The equivalent of `(or int float string)`. - `op`: Operators. - `list`, `array`, `block`: Matches expressions of the form `(...)`, `[...]`, `{...}`. # Template operations These use regular variable syntax but the text starts with a '@'. - `gensym