euphi / TRGB-BikeComputer

A bike computer using the LilyGO T-RGB devices. It supports BLE sensors for speed, cadence and heart reate and a classic Forumslader V5 bluetooth connection. Navigation hints can be received from the komoot App.
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Exact LilyGO T-RGB device model HW version #13

Open iDoka opened 1 month ago

iDoka commented 1 month ago

First of all, thanks for the great project!

I would like to know which HW version of LilyGO T-RGB device I need to order to reproduce your bike computer.

On LilyGO I have seen at least three HW-version:

I tried to find any mention of these ICs in sources, but I have failed.

Screenshot from 2024-04-21 23-18-22

euphi commented 1 month ago

Both 2.1" variants are supported:

You can set the variant in platformio.ini, by defining TRGB_OVAL or TRGB_ROUND:

build_flags =

The changes to support 2,8" (GT911) should also be quite easy to implement, because the only difference is the touch chip.