euphi / TRGB-BikeComputer

A bike computer using the LilyGO T-RGB devices. It supports BLE sensors for speed, cadence and heart reate and a classic Forumslader V5 bluetooth connection. Navigation hints can be received from the komoot App.
13 stars 1 forks source link

T-RGB Bike Computer

A bike computer based on LilyGO T-RGB:

Photo of T-RGB Bike Computer with active navigation


Compile and upload with platformio.


Prio 0 Features - work in progress or already working

BLE Devices




User interface


Prio 1 Features -- Help wanted

Prio 2 Features -- Help NEEDED (I don't have the time for them)


.. documentation work in progress ..

Use Navigation

If you use the komoot App on your mobile and start following a route (load preplanned trip or use the route planner, it will start advertising a simple navigation service. The TRGB-Bikecomputer will connect to the mobile and read navigation instruction. These are shown on display.

Limitations (for now):

Limitations (of komoot):

Licences and Attributions


Cycling icons created by Futuer - Flaticon Parked bicycles - Icon von Prashanth Rapolu 15