eusoubrasileiro / geonumerics

Numerical tools for geology and geophysics (Python and C tools) G&G sandbox
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Numerical tools for geology and geophysics in python and C. This repo is my G&G sandbox.

Most of the new code (work related created tools) are jupyter notebooks at ipython_notebooks folder. Some of those notebooks are prototypes to the Fatiando a Terra project where I focus on seismic modelling. Some are directly related to my work, for example, seismic and digital signal processing, vibroseis field parameter test, vibroseis field data qc and tools for segy manipulation: coordinates fix, amplitude normalize and plotting. Finally a few notebooks are result of my effort (when I get some free time) trying to implement reverse time depth migration.

Here are some of the more recent (2012+) prototypes based on fatiando style: They use some of the branches of fatiando_seismic repository:

This repo also includes a tentative I did using random forest and pandas for Forex future values prediction and a little DSP library I developed in C.

Historical background: This is a collection of some tools I developed along the years. I started with C and now it is mostly Python. Some tools are related to projects at college (long time ago), work or simple for learning. This repo is a mix between my old google-code repo, work related code, fatiando under development tools (not in master branch) and cool stuff I am trying to learn.