A C# toolbox to recover orphaned fragment (without any header information) data.
source link
This repo includes an executable of C# toolbox for the orphaned jpeg fragment recovery method presented in following paper.
This is a pure C# implemented code.
WARNING : Check the dependency library to run the code!!!
Environment: Windows OS, .Net support
Libraries : MathNet.Numerics.dll should be in the same folder with JpegRecovery.exe.
Example Usage: Type the following on command line or just double clickr "run.bat" file.
JpegRecovery.exe "binary_file_name"
Input: binary_file_name -> Binary data file e.g., raw_dragon
Output: writes .jpg file in the same directory with input "binary_file_name" (e.g., raw_dragon.jpg)
Folder Contains
README.md: This readme file
JpegRecovery.exe: Our C# Orphaned Jpeg Fragment Recovery tool.
[MathNet.Numerics.dll]: Required library should be downloaded from https://numerics.mathdotnet.com/
run.bat: Executer batch file to test the tool quickly. (Just double click)
raw_dragon: A sample binary file that contains only encoded data of "full_dragon.jpg" file.
orphaned_dragon.jpg: The recovered file you should get once run.bat executed.
full_dragon.jpg: The reference sample full Jpeg file to compare with recovered orphaned file.