evaera / RbxSync

[ARCHIVED] Third party IDE support for Roblox Studio.
GNU General Public License v3.0
31 stars 12 forks source link

RbxSync is no longer supported

RbxSync will no longer be receiving updates and is now archived. I recommend you use Rojo instead (with a VSCode extension I wrote for it, just search for Rojo in the extensions tab).

RbxSync is being retired because I believe that Rojo is a better solution to the problem I was trying to solve when I created RbxSync, and I want to give more time to my other projects. Rojo receives more frequent updates and is maintained by a (at the time of this writing) Roblox employee (as a personal project).

If you are switching, you should know that Rojo is not a drop-in replacement for RbxSync. There are some differences, notably:

Instance RbxSync Rojo
LocalScript Script.local.lua Script.client.lua
Script Script.lua Script.server.lua
ModuleScript Script.module.lua Script.lua
Other instances Not Supported SomeName.json

If RbxSync has been useful to you, I'm confident that with a little tweaking to your workflow, Rojo will do a much better job in the long run. So long, RbxSync, it's been nice! 👋

RbxSync - Third party IDE support for Roblox Studio in one click


RbxSync is an open source Roblox plugin that easily integrates any third-party code editor or IDE, such as Sublime Text, Notepad++, VS Code, or Atom, into Roblox Studio. This is accomplished via a helper application which runs in the tray and acts as a middle man between your code editor of choice and Roblox Studio.

Tray example Demo Gif


Available in the releases section.

Notice: The executable will most likely cause Windows to alert you with a fullscreen SmartScreen warning because this file is not commonly downloaded. To run anyway, click More info then click Run anyway. If you're wary, you can build the plugin from the source with the instructions below.


RbxSync is designed with simplicity in mind: just download the executable and run it, and it will automatically install the plugin into Roblox Studio. Just let the application run in the tray while you're developing. (Note: If you have changed the Roblox Studio Plugin directory, you will need to configure this before using RbxSync)

Files will open with your system default .lua editor.

Note: If you already have Studio open when you run the application for the first time, you will need to restart Studio for the plugin to load.


Persistent Mode / Git Mode

By default, RbxSync will use a temporary folder, but using a persistent directory is also supported. This will cause the plugin to write all scripts to disk (nested with folders that match in-game hierarchy), even ones you don't explicitly open. The plugin will keep the scripts up to date on disk, even through Parent or Name changes. If you delete the script from your game, it will also be deleted on disk. If two objects have the same name and parent, one of them will be appended with (2) at the end of its name. Try to avoid this.

This allows you to create a Git repository for all the scripts in your game super easily.

To enable this feature, create a StringValue in ServerScriptService named PlaceName, and then set the value to the name you'd like the folder to use. The scripts will then be written to C:\Users\<Current User>\Documents\ROBLOX\RbxSync\<Place Name> by default, but this is configurable.

PMode Demo


!! Mixins are deprecated as of v1.3.4 and support for this special syntax will be dropped in version 2 (coming 2018). Code created with mixins will continue to work after support is dropped, but they will no longer be parsed into the @(...) syntax.

Mixins allow you to use the syntax @(mixin_name) in your scripts, which will return any values you set in the Mixins module. To use this feature, create a ModuleScript in ReplicatedStorage named Mixins.

The module should return a table with string indexes for your mixin names. The values can be any type, but if they are a function, the function will be executed, given the arguments (mixin_name, script, function_environment).

Example Mixins script:

return {
    hello = "Hi there!";
    require_all_children = function(mixin, script, env)
        for _, child in pairs(script:GetChildren()) do
            if child:IsA("ModuleScript") then

Then, anywhere in another script:



This actually compiles to:

local __RSMIXINS=require(game:GetService"ReplicatedStorage".Mixins);__RSMIXIN=function(a,b,c)if type(__RSMIXINS[a])=='function'then return __RSMIXINS[a](a,b,c)else return __RSMIXINS[a]end end

__RSMIXIN('require_all_children', script, getfenv())

print(__RSMIXIN('hello', script, getfenv()))

MoonScript Support

If you have MoonScript installed on your computer (have moonc in your PATH), RbxSync can automatically compile your scripts into Lua every time you save them and instantly push them to your game in Studio.

Mixins can be used with the built-in mixin function, e.g. mixin "hello". In MoonScript mode only, there are three special mixin names, which can be used to inject things into the environment:

To put a script in MoonScript mode, there must be a StringValue named "MoonScript" inside of it. The plugin provides several shortcuts so you don't have to do this manually:

Building it yourself

Building RbxSync is made easy by using CoffeeScript's Cakefiles. The build script will automatically replace the partial strings in plugin.coffee with the data from the partials/ directory.


Building and running the app for developmental testing

Run cake b && electron src from the directory that the Cakefile is in

Building the entire app into executable

Run cake build:app