evakv0th / Alias-solvd-team2

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Alias game

Node.js-Based Game "Alias" with Chat and Word Checking



This project is a multiplayer game build with Node.js. Alias is a word-guessing game where players form teams. Each team takes turns where one member describes a word and others guess it. The game includes a chat for players to communicate and a system to check for similar words.


Teams try to guess as many words as possible from their teammates' descriptions.


Each turn is timed. Describers cannot use the word or its derivatives.


Points are awarded for each correct guess. Similar words are checked for validation.

End Game

The game concludes after a predetermined number of rounds, with the highest-scoring team winning.

System Requirements

You need to have .env file in root folder corresponding .env.example


Outline of the server setup, API endpoints, and database schema.

Core Modules

  1. User Authentication
    • Login and registration
    • Session management
  2. Game Lobby
    • Room creation and joining
    • Team selection
  3. Game Mechanics
    • Word generation
    • Turn management
  4. Chat System
    • Real-time messaging
    • Chat history
  5. Word Checking
    • Similarity algorithm
    • Word validation


Overview of implemented security measures.


Guide on unit and integration testing.


Run docker compose up.

Future Enhancements

Suggestions for additional features or improvements.


Common questions and troubleshooting tips.


Final remarks and encouragement for further exploration.

Database Schema

Database schema is represented by JSON examples in schema folder.


  "_id": "userId",
  "username": "bob@example.com",
  "password": "$2a$10$wSPtqqd5pujQ/1bYolF8qO.WDnSOcJ7IJt1YDvRO.U51LUfzxSHbm",
  "createdAt": "2023-11-22'T'12:30:00.000",
  "stats": {
    "roundsPlayed": 5,
    "wordsGuessed": 4
Property Type Description
_id ObjectID ID of user
username String Username
password String Encrypted password
createdAt Timestamp Timestamp when user was created
stats Object Statistics object
stats.gamesPlayed Number Amount of rounds which user has been hosting
stats.wordsGuessed Number Amount of words user guessed


  "_id": "teamId1",
  "hostId": "userId",
  "name": "Curious bears",
  "members": [
Property Type Description
_id ObjectID ID of team
hostId ObjectID ID of team creator user
name String Name of team
members ObjectID[] Array of team members IDs


  "_id": "vocabularyId",
  "words": [
    "air balloon"
Property Type Description
_id ObjectID ID of vocabulary
words String[] Array of words of vocabulary


  "_id": "roundId",
  "startedAt": "2023-11-22'T'10:38:00.000",
  "finishedAt": "2023-11-22'T'10:39:00.000",
  "teamId": "teamId1",
  "hostId": "hostId1",
  "chatId": "chatId",
  "words": [
      "word": "motorbike",
      "guessed": true
      "word": "air balloon",
      "guessed": false
Property Type Description
_id ObjectID ID of game round
startedAt Timestamp Timestamp when game was started
finishedAt Timestamp Timestamp when game was finished
teamId ObjectID ID of team, which member is host of this round
hostId ObjectID ID of user, which is host of this round
chatId ObjectID ID of chat, where words of this round are guessed
words Object[] Array of words of this round
words.word String Word to be guessed
words.guessed Boolean Flag of word was guessed


  "_id": "chatId",
  "messages": [
      "createdAt": "2022-11-22'T'10:37:45.123",
      "userId": "userId",
      "message": "message"
      "createdAt": "2022-11-22'T'10:37:45.869",
      "userId": "userId",
      "message": "message"
Property Type Description
_id ObjectID ID of chat
messages Object[] Array of messages of chat
messages.createdAt Timestamp Timestamp when message was sent
userId ObjectID ID of user sent this message
message String Text of message


  "_id": "gameId",
  "hostId": "userId",
  "createdAt": "2023-11-22'T'10:37:15.000",
  "teams": [
      "teamId": "teamId1",
      "score": 5
      "teamId": "teamId2",
      "score": 7
  "currentTeam": "teamId1",
  "rounds": [
  "options": {
    "goal": 100,
    "roundTime": 60,
    "vocabularyId": "vocabularyId"
Property Type Description
_id ObjectID ID of game
hostId ObjectID ID of user created game
createdAt Timestamp Timestamp when game was created
teams Object[] Array of teams playing in game
teams.teamId ObjectID ID of team
teams.score Number Amount of points of team
currentTeam ObjectID ID of team to be hosting game
rounds ObjectID[] Array of game rounds IDs
options Object Options of game
options.goal Number Amount of points to win game
options.roundTime Number Amount of time for round
options.vocabularyId ObjectID ID of vocabulary for game



POST /api/v1/auth/register

Creates new user.

Request: IUserCreateSchema.


Code Body Condition
201 Created none If user successfully registered.
400 Bad Request ExceptionMessage If registration failed.

POST /api/v1/auth/login

Authenticates user.

Request: LoginRequest.


Code Body Condition
200 OK LoginResponse Correct credentials are used.
400 Bad Request ExceptionMessage Incorrect credentials are used.

POST /api/v1/auth/refresh

Refreshes a pair of tokens.

Request: Object with token field.


Code Body Condition
200 OK LoginResponse Correct token is used.
400 Bad Request ExceptionMessage Incorrect token is used.


GET /api/v1/users/:id

Returns user by their id.


Parameter Type Required Description
id long Yes User ID.


Code Body Condition
200 OK User User is authenticated.
401 Unauthorized ExceptionMessage User is not authenticated.
404 Not Found ExceptionMessage User is not found.

PUT /api/v1/users/:id

Updates user by their id.


Parameter Type Required Description
id long Yes User ID.


Code Body Condition
200 OK none If user successfully updated.
400 Bad Request ExceptionMessage If something failed.
401 Unauthorized ExceptionMessage User is not authenticated.


POST /api/v1/teams

Creates new team with host of authenticated user.

Request: ITeamCreateSchema


Code Body Condition
201 Created Team If team was successfully created.
400 Bad Request ExceptionMessage If something failed.
401 Unauthorized ExceptionMessage If user not authorized.

GET /api/v1/teams/:id

Returns team by their id.


Parameter Type Required Description
id long Yes Team ID.


Code Body Condition
200 OK Team If team was found.
400 Bad Request ExceptionMessage If something failed.
404 Not Found ExceptionMessage If team was not found.

PUT /api/v1/teams/:id/members

Update team members.

Request: String[] of user IDs.

Parameter Type Required Description
id long Yes Team ID.


Code Body Condition
200 OK none If team was saved.
400 Bad Request ExceptionMessage If something failed.
404 Not Found ExceptionMessage If team was not found.


POST /api/v1/games

Creates game.

Request: IGameCreateSchema


Code Body Condition
200 OK Game If game was successfully created.
400 Bad Request ExceptionMessage If something failed.
401 Unauthorized ExceptionMessage If user not authorized.

GET /api/v1/games/:id

Returns game by their id.


Parameter Type Required Description
id long Yes Game ID.


Code Body Condition
200 OK Game If game was found.
401 Unauthorized ExceptionMessage If user not authorized.
404 Not Found ExceptionMessage If game was not found.

POST /api/v1/games/:id/start

Starts game.


Parameter Type Required Description
id long Yes Game ID.


Code Body Condition
200 OK none. If game was started.
401 Unauthorized ExceptionMessage If user is not a game host or not authorized.
404 Not Found ExceptionMessage If game was not found.


Chat is based on websockets.


Parameter Type Required Description
chatId long Yes Chat ID.

Message: Object with message field.


GET /api/v1/vocabularies

Returns all vocabularies.

Request: none.

Response: Vocabulary[]

POST /api/v1/vocabularies

Creates new vocabulary.

Request: Vocabulary.


Code Body Condition
200 OK none If vocabulary was successfully created.
400 Bad Request ExceptionMessage If vocabulary was not created.

GET /api/v1/vocabularies/:id

Returns vocabulary by their id.


Parameter Type Required Description
id long Yes Vocabulary ID.


Code Body Condition
200 OK Vocabulary If vocabulary with such id was found.
404 Not Found ExceptionMessage If vocabulary was not found.

PUT /api/v1/vocabularies/:id

Updates vocabulary by their id.


Parameter Type Required Description
id long Yes Vocabulary ID.


Code Body Condition
200 OK none If vocabulary was successfully updated.
404 Not Found ExceptionMessage If vocabulary was not found.



  "username": "bob",
  "password": "bob"


  "name": "Curious bears"


  "hostId": "1",
  "teams": [
  "options": {
    "goal": 100,
    "roundTime": 60,
    "vocabularyId": "vocabularyId"


  "username": "example",
  "password": "12345678"
Field Type Required Description
username string Yes User`s username.
password string Yes User`s password.


  "access": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJleGFtcGxlQGV4YW1wbGUuY29tIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.tCvBDCHd_VjUZ2SaGFdyxKkLYbjq-W0rH6SYHoayU_w",
  "refresh": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJleGFtcGxlQGV4YW1wbGUuY29tIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.tCvBDCHd_VjUZ2SaGFdyxKkLYbjq-W0rH6SYHoayU_w"
Field Type Required Description
access string Yes Access JWT token.
refresh string Yes Refresh JWT token.


  "message": "Something bad happened."