evanfarrar / opensprints.org

The website for opensprints.
7 stars 1 forks source link

== Opensprints.org This is the website for OpenSprints, the open source goldsprints solution. It's got a lot of smaller applications which go together to form a (semi) coherent whole

MediaWiki, Spree, Textpattern and Vanilla are all frozen in git, but they are intentionally unmodified. All changes were layered on top using css and the applications' existing plugin/skinning facilities.

== Note on Patches/Pull Requests OpenSprints has an aggressively liberal commit policy. If you follow or fork the project on github, we'll add you the mainline project's collaborators list.

== License This software is copyright 2007 Evan Farrar. You may redistribute this software under the terms of the GPL. See the LICENSE file for details.