evankart / calfiremap

Interactive map of wildfires in California built with React and Mapbox GL
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Cal Firemap


Interactive map of wildfires in California since 1950. Data provided by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. Built with React, Mapbox GL, and Bootstrap.


Anyone who’s lived in California in recent years can tell you how difficult the fire seasons have been, with smoke looming over large portions of the state year after year. But, you might be surprised to see just how much things have changed in the past few decades.

Cal Firemap is designed to provide context and a sense of scale to climate-influenced wildfire events. Only with a firm understanding of the impacts of a changing climate will we be able to find real solutions for a cleaner future.

How to Use

This app is publicly hosted at calfiremap.vercel.app.

How to Contribute

Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/evankart/calfiremap
cd calfiremap

Run the Project

npm install
npm start

Submit a Pull Request

If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and open a pull request.