evanoralph / smitten-app

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Smitten App

This project will deliver a complete package of a cross-platform app for both Android/iOS devices.

App Features

The app will let users link their Social Media account to find potential friends or partners by browsing nearby users and choosing either to Like or Dislike that person. Matched users can start messaging each other, send voice clips and send meetup requests

Users may fill in their profile details and upload pictures they wish to show on their profile. They can also change their filter or preferences of which kind of persons they would like to see.

Meet up request can be sent to those whom the user have Liked, and on the other hand, the requested user may choose to accept or decline the request, or save it for later. A list of Meet up requests can be browsed by the user.

Users may also choose to watch Live videos and start one as well. A list of Live videos will appear on a user’s live page list if there are people started a live video.

The app has notifications built in, which will be activated when there are Check Ins, Likes, Messages or Meets.

Project Timeline

Here is the proposed timeline for the project which includes estimates and payment schedules for each milestone that is accomplished. The project will follow the Agile software development process for a realistic execution and delivery of tasks. The project will be finished within 4-6 months.

Please note that all the items and estimates below are not final and are subject to change depending on requirements or feature changes/updates and availability of assets or third-party services.

During the development, we may require you to provide feedback on current iterations of the app for enhancements or recommendations.

Milestone 1 (Prototype)

  1. Core App Development ( 7 Days )
    • This includes the overall framework to be used in the app.
    • Modules Setup and Initialization
  2. Front-End UI/UX Partial Design (Android & iOS) (14 Days)
    • Conversion of PSD layouts to functional app components
    • Initial Core Design Layout
    • Login Page
    • Sign Up Page
    • Forgot Password Page
  3. Users Module (14 Days)
    • User Data Schema
    • User Profile Page
    • Data Bindings
    • Social Media API Integration

Milestone 2 (Data Bindings and Back-End Development)

  1. Back-End Development ( 14 Days )

      This will be the server, database and the admin stuff. Servers should be provided before we can start this milestone

    • AWS Server Setup
    • App Server
    • Database Server
    • S3 Storage Server
    • API/SDK Integration
  2. Profile Module ( 14 Days )
    • Photo Uploader
    • Photo Gallery Module
    • Camera Module
  3. Near Misses Module ( 14 Days )
    • Near Misses Page
    • User Check-in History Data Bindings
  4. Check-in Module ( 14 Days )
    • Check-in Page
    • Location Data Bindings
    • GeoLocation API Integration
  5. Messages Module ( 14 Days )
    • Messages Page
    • Chat functionality
    • Audio Clip Uploader and Player
  6. Meetups Module ( 14 Days )
    • Meetup Page
    • Meetup Functionality

Milestone 3 (Feature Development/Enhancement)

  1. Live Module ( 30 Days )
    • Live Page
    • Live Video Hosting/Server API Integration
  2. Notifications Module
  3. UI/UX Design Enhancements
    • Likes Module
    • Miscellaneous Features
    • Settings
    • Contact Us
    • Legal
    • Account Management (Logout/Delete)
    • Calendar Access

Milestone 4 (Bug Fixing, QA testing, Publishing Phase)

  1. Overall QA Testing ( 7 Days )
  2. Overall Bug Fixes and enhancements of remaining issues ( 7 Days )
  3. Publishing (at least 14 Days for iTunes/PlayStore review and approval)


Before the project starts:

On completion of each Milestone:

Estimated Development Cost: TBD
Monthly Maintenance and Support Cost: TBD

Additional Features and Major changes after publishing are subject to additional cost

Supported Device Operating System

Android: minimum 5.1 (Lollipop)
iOS: minimum iOS 10