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Audio Alarms Not Working #25

Open HolyYakker opened 3 years ago

HolyYakker commented 3 years ago

This is an intermittent problem I've experienced where Audio will play when I test the alarm from the Sound Setup menu, however when I try to test an alarm by triggering a system with X jumps of my location the alarm does not sound.

The program is picking up the chat log because the alert is showing on the map, but no audio will play.

There have been times when the audio does work, but there is no reproducable way for me to reliably replicate the issue. The system has correctly identified the location for both my characters and I've warped through gates to ensure that.

Any thoughts? Running the latest version on Windows 10. Running 2 clients of EVE.

HolyYakker commented 3 years ago

Okay - random weirdness it was going off occasionally tonight so perhaps this is a documentation issue. If I set the alarm distance to be say 3 jumps, will it ONLY go off for systems 3 jumps away but not for 2 or 1 jump away? Sorry - trying to narrow this down.

Crypta-Eve commented 3 years ago

It will not alarm for intel you yourself report if that helps :)

Crypta-Eve commented 3 years ago

If you have it set to 3 jumps it should alarm at 3,2,1 or 0 jumps