eve-spyglass / spyglass

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Welcome To Spyglass

Spyglass is an intel visualisation and alarm system for EVE Online. This too gathers information from in game chat channels and presents the data on a dotlan generated map. The map is highlighted in real time as players report intel in monitored chat channels.

Spyglass is written with Python 2.7, using PyQt4 for the graphical interface, BeautifulSoup4 for SVG parsing, and Pyglet for audio playback.


-The current release version of Spyglass can be found here at the bottom of the page or on the GitHub releases page.




Intel Rescan

KOS Results

"KOS" status values reported by Spyglass

Running Spyglass from Source

To run or build from the source you need the following packages installed on your machine. Most, if not all, can be installed from the command line using package management software such as "pip". Mac and Linux both come with pip installed, Windows users may need to install cygwin to get pip. Of course all the requirements also have download links.

The packages required are:

For ubuntu based distributions there is a script that will install these dependencies included. However it's mileage may vary.

The background of Spyglass

Spyglass is a project aimed at the continuation to the work done on the Vintel tool by Xanthos which can be found here.



Spyglass is licensed under the GPLv3.

Spyglass does not play sounds - is there a remedy for this?

The most likely cause of this is that pyglet is not installed.

A litte bit to big for such a little tool.

The .exe ships with the complete environment and needed libs. You could save some space using the the source code instead.

What platforms are supported?

Spyglass runs on Windows and Linux. Windows standalone packages are provided with each release. Linux users are advised to use the compiled binary however the source is also an available option.

What file system permissions does Spyglass need?

Spyglass calls home?

Yes it does. If you don't want to this, use a firewall to forbid it. Spyglass looks for a new version at startup and loads dynamic infomation (i.e., jump bridge routes) from home. It will run without this connection but some functionality will be unavailable.

Both of these actions route to amazon s3 servers requesting data.


Spyglass does not find my chatlogs or is not showing changes to chat when it should. What can I do?

Spyglass looks for your chat logs in ~\EVE\logs\chatlogs and ~\DOCUMENTS\EVE\logs\chatlogs. Logging must be enabled in the EVE client options. You can set this path on your own by giving it to Spyglass at startup. For this you have to start it on the command line and call the program with the path to the logs.


win> spyglass-1.x.x.exe "d:\strange\path\EVE\logs\chatlogs"

– or –

linux> python spyglass.py "/home/user/myverypecialpath/EVE/logs/chatlogs"

Spyglass does not start! What can I do?

Please try to delete Spyglass's Cache. It is located in the EVE-directory where the chatlogs are in. If your chatlogs are in \Documents\EVE\logs\chatlogs Spyglass writes the cache to \Documents\EVE\spyglass

Spyglass takes many seconds to start up; what are some of the causes and what can I do about it?

Spyglass asks the operating system to notifiy when a change has been made to the ChatLogs directory - this will happen when a new log is created or an existing one is updated. In response to this notification, Spyglass examines all of the files in the directory to analysze the changes. If you have a lot of chat logs this can make Spyglass slow to scan for file changes. Try perodically moving all the chatlogs out of the ChatLogs directory (zip them up and save them somewhere else if you think you may need them some day).

Spyglass complains about missing dll files on Windows at app launch, is there a workaround for this?

Yes there is! There is a bit of a mix up going on with the latest pyinstaller and the Microsoft developer dlls. Here is a link to help illuminate the issue https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller/issues/1974

You can visit Microsoft's web site to download the developer dlls https://www.microsoft.com/en-in/download/details.aspx?id=5555.

You can also read a more technical treatment of the issue here http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-2417960/msvcr100-dll-32bit-64bit.html

How can I resolve the "empty certificate data" error?

Do not use the standalone EXE, install the environment and use the sourcecode directly. There are missing certificates that must be provided by the environment. This error was discovered when running the standalone EXE on Linux using wine.

Spyglass is misbehaving and I dont know why - how can I easily help diagnose problems with Spyglass

Spyglass writes its own set of logs to the \Documents\EVE\spyglass\logs directory. A new log is created as the old one fills up to its maximum size setting. Each entry inside the log file is time-stamped. These logs are emitted in real-time so you can watch the changes to the file as you use the app.

I love Spyglass - how can I help?

If you are technically inclined and have a solid grasp of Python, contact the project maintainer via email to see how you can best help out. Alternatively you can find something you want to change and create a pull request to have your changes reviewed and potentially added to the codebase. There have been several great contributions made this way!

I'm not a coder, how can I help?

Your feedback is needed! Use the program for a while, then come back here and create issues. Record anything you think about Spyglass - bugs, frustrations, and ideas to make it better.